• Inspirational Quotes,  Life,  Pets

    Monday Inspiration #35 – Acceptance on your own terms

    Monday Inspiration #35 – Acceptance on your own terms

    I once read somewhere that one of the regrets of the dying included NOT living life on their own terms to please everyone else. If the elderly could turn back time, they would choose to live their life on their own terms and not worry about pleasing their bosses or parents and just live life to be happy and feel free to be who they were meant to be.

    I loved this quote because we as humans can learn a thing or two from cats! They are quite clever and smart. Perhaps this is just one of many reasons we find them so fascinating. I know I do. What do you think of this quote? Would you agree?

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    monday inspiration acceptance #mondayinspiration #impurrfectlife #acceptance #cats #lifelessons