• General tips,  Pets

    Why Dogs Shed & What to Do About It

    *This special guest post and infographic is courtesy of Petco® & designed by Ghergich & Co.


    Why Dogs Shed & What to Do About It

    If you have a dog, you probably have a dog brush. But have you thought about what different types of brushes do and how well they work to control shedding?

    Brushes are, of course, just one tool that dog owners can use to control shedding—because it’s one thing that dogs can’t control that can be annoying, too. Shedding has to happen for the majority of dogs; it’s a way for them to get rid not only of old hair but old skin, too.

    That’s why the tools you use can be so important to controlling the hair that gets in to your house. The bristles, for example, can be stiffer or more flexible, longer or shorter. Baths can be another way for you to help control a dog’s hair, as is the food that they eat; the better food, the better health for hair.

    Need more ideas? This graphic can help.



    For more detailed information about why dogs shed and what you can do about it, click the infographic image above.

    Do you use any of these tips in your grooming and cleaning routine? Comment and share below!