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I tried the gym…and this is what I’ve learned.

#gym #impurrfectlife #resolutions

I tried the gym…and this is what I’ve learned.

So it’s now June and 6 months have passed since I promised myself I’d be at my goal weight by now and well…nope. Not anywhere near my goal weight…why? Yes it’s my fault. Perhaps I’ve snuck in too many carbs and the occasional sweet goodie but more so my disappointment comes from my own lack of consistency in going to the gym.

Yes that’s right. I joined Planet Fitness. I joined in the fall and started to go pretty consistently starting off with twice a week after work and then head home. Then winter hits the East Coast and it’s cold down to the bone and the last thing I’m thinking of is walking from Midtown 5th Ave all the way west to the west side walking against the brisk cold air sweeping in from the Hudson River. My pace slowed down but I get on the scale and I’m down 10 pounds. Great! Okay I got this.

Then January comes and well it’s a blizzard. Well forget going to the gym…even if I had the fire and passion to go I’m buried in snow. No luck there. By end of January and into February it’s downright cold and who wants to go outside when you can enjoy hot chocolate and indoor heating? Clearly my motivation and drive has waned at this point.

All the while my intuition re-emerges again and I think….if you can’t even roll out of bed and pop in a fitness DVD and do it at home, why did you join a gym? If you can’t make it 20 feet outside your bed room then why join a gym and pay money? Well the idea sounded good. I don’t have to wake up early and exercise when I can go right after work.

Lessons learned

Well, lesson learned. This is what I’ve taken away from joining a gym

  • For me, I have no business joining a gym and wasting money when I can’t even do a fitness DVD at home.
  • Going to the gym takes unshakable commitment despite the weather elements
  • Going to the gym means late night eating by the time you get home…not good for you
  • Money down the drain that could be used for shopping
  • The gym can be monotonous
  • Gyms are packed at the start of the new year so be prepared to (potentially) wait
  • The gym is not a right fit for me…and that’s okay!
  • Find what works for you!


Final thoughts

As much as the gym is a good place to work on fitness or a good place to let off some steam, it’s not the best fit for my lifestyle.

If my focus is fitness and weight loss I need to find the right fit for me and the gym isn’t quite right. I’m a person that likes variety and can get bored easy. So trying different DVDs every day is easier for me that trekking across town.  I’ve been waking up early by 45 minutes most days to work out before my day starts and I’m finding it works a lot better. It’s hard as hell to get moving in the morning but by the time I’m done my day is started off right and guess what? When I get off work I don’t have to think about cardio…just sprinting to catch my bus home!

Share your thoughts.

Do you have a gym membership or do you prefer at home workouts?