Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #21- Start where you are.

Monday Inspiration #21 

If you have ever desired to achieve a goal you never attempted before, it may be very intimidating or overwhelming. I’m here to reassure you that this is completely normal. However, many successful people forget to mention, they all had to start somewhere. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual for the unexpected moments or pivots and turns. You need to improvise!

I say this to encourage you to move toward your goals using the tools you currently have. Take this blog for instance. Nobody gave me a handbook to read. I had to do the work, use the tools I had access to and learn on my own. (And I’m still learning new things every month.) Getting the education, tools and resources are no longer limited to brick and mortar schools. Welcome to the hard knock life. What do I mean? You have to take matters into your own hands and teach yourself, get a mentor and experience trial and error.

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If you have a skill you want to learn or a dream you want to achieve, invest time in yourself and learn as much as you can about it, set a plan and execute. I chose the name of this blog in part for this very reason. I knew as I grew in my journey as a blogger, everything won’t look perfect or be perfect however I’d do my best. So I just wanted to share this quote to encourage others, not to delay your desires or goals because you fear it won’t be perfect. Everyone started somewhere and I’m pretty confident the first try was not a perfect one. Remember you only have one life.

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