woman petting stray cat
General tips,  Pets

10 Simple Ways to Celebrate Pets on National Pet day!

April 11th is National Pet day!

Are you an animal lover? Have you owned a pet in your lifetime? Or perhaps you are currently a pet parent.

Well did you know today is National Pet Day?

If you are asking yourself, “How did National Pet day come about?” According to PetDayUSA.com,

“National Pet Day was founded in 2006 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert, Animal Welfare Advocate Colleen Paige, to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and to create public awareness about the plight of many different kinds of animals awaiting a forever home in shelters and rescues all around the globe.”

Today I bring you a few tips and ideas to spoil your furry family members on this special day. Let’s get started by checking out this helpful infographic.

Here are 10 Ideas to celebrate pets on National Pet Day.

10 Simple Ways to Celebrate pets on National Pet Day NEW PIN

Originally posted 2018. Post updated April 2022.

Those of us that are pet owners, past or present, know all about showing our fur kids lots of love. If you recently suffered pet loss or just looking for new ways to help animals, consider donating, volunteering, or adopting from your local animal shelters.

Lastly, if you are looking for more ideas for activities to do with your pets, check out my other blog post 6 bucket list ideas to try with your pet. 

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