Last month I started my first giveaway for a $25 Visa Gift card. As promised today I will announce our winner. Drum roll please……….
The winner of my first giveaway is “Cash” from Long Island, NY. This must be fate since our winner’s nickname is Cash…but I digress. The holidays are officially here and he’s got an extra $25 to spend.
I asked Cash to tell me a short bit about himself. This is what he had to say. He is an animal lover with an affinity for dogs, but had a cat growing up. Our winner was the proud papa to a stray named Rex he took in off the street 2 years ago. As he recalls, they were best friends always on the road traveling but only together for a short time before Rex passed away at 3 years old. Rex passed away in a car accident.

Some time has passed and Cash feels he’s ready to adopt another dog soon. He stumbled upon Impurrfectlife on Facebook. He says, “It’s nice to know someone feels the way I do sometimes.”
Well once again, congrats to Cash. Also, a big thank you goes out to the rest of my loyal readers that take time out of their day to read my posts every week.
I’ll have another free giveaway in 2017. So be sure to subscribe to get my weekly emails and stay informed on my newest posts. Only subscribers get first access to special announcements.
So with that said, the holidays are here and Christmas is around the corner. Tell me. Have you ever or do you include your pet on your holiday shopping list? Share and comment below.