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Monday Inspiration #83 : Renew Your Mind
What makes it so hard to stick to our goals?
I had some free time today and decided to binge and listen to some motivational inspiring videos on You Tube. After a delightful binge of uplifting goodness, I digested the advice from successful people who turned their life around and I had my light bulb moment. This is what I came away with. In order to get the life you want, you have to change how you think today.
Renew your Mind.
That change in your thinking process will dictate your actions that follow. Now, take a moment and think about something you really wanted badly and actually achieved. You have 24 hours in a day and no matter how busy you are, if you really are focused on what you want, you find a way to make it work or fit it in right?
So then that made me think and have a fresh perspective. The issue is not that what I want is not attainable, it is that I’m not making what I want a priority. When we make things a priority in life, we make it happen.
Time waits for no (wo)man.
On one hand life goes by quick, especially as you get older, however when you are very young time seems endless.
With the grace of God, I pray to have a long quality filled life but with that in mind, I want a life of quality over quantity. I do not want to just exist.
I am pretty content with my life but I still have dreams and a bucket list of things I desire to experience. For instance, I know in my heart I definitely want to become a fur baby mommy again, travel the world and visit places like Hawaii, Paris, France, Italy and Africa.
I also want to continue to explore my creative passions and maximize my potential.
With all these goals and dreams in mind, I realized that I need to make an effort to make sure both my body and mind is strong in order to fully enjoy and experience these things fully. I do not want to live life with regret when I’m 80 years old and be thinking I should’ve could’ve.
That’s why I’m working on a better me now. Whether that means falling off the wagon with exercise and getting back on or taking a hiatus from one of my hobbies and starting up again. I just know I cannot quit.
I’m committing to becoming a more physically fit person and fitting in exercise, even if it’s only 20 minutes in the morning. Having a commitment to mindfulness and gratitude is important to me. It’s all part of changing your mindset. I have to make myself and my health a priority. Living through a pandemic has definitely made us all aware of the importance of good health and a strong immune system. Am I right?
I know I’m not alone.
I know there is someone out there in this world who shares this same struggle. With that in mind, I just want to encourage folks to know life is imperfect so we should not expect that of ourselves and feel defeated. Real life is not what we see in an airbrushed magazines and filtered images in social media. It can be ugly and challenging. You will have obstacles and encounter pain or loss as well. All these experiences help build our character, teach us lessons and make us stronger.
Take action.
To get a better life, you just need to make a decision you want more and you want better. Make a goal and a plan to put into action. Your best is giving it everything you got with the resources you have. You cannot just talk about what you want and see change, you have to take action.
Strive to do your best and then proceed to take action to do so. The process of fulfilling our dreams and goals is a marathon and not a sprint. Most things worth waiting for takes time and patience.
You may not be in your ideal place in life at this very moment but that does not mean you will remain stagnant. The first step to getting something you never had is to try something you never did.
I’m learning this lesson in different areas of my life and I refuse to quit. I may not be perfect or get everything right but that’s okay. I’m human.
Trying to live my dreams through taking small steps in action is more than a lot of people do just complaining all day.
The difference between those who are successful and those that are not, often boils down to doing the work and taking action. It all goes back to your mindset and how you think. It is a mind and body connection.
Are you up for the challenge?
Challenge yourself to renew your mind and do something to better yourself. Read a book. Take a road trip. Try virtual volunteer work. Journal. Be a mentor to someone else. Take time to enjoy nature. Get a 10 minute walk on your lunch hour.
Don’t settle for stagnate life. It’s a big world out there and you only have once chance to get it right. This is not the movies. There is no take two.
Live your life on your terms. Live in a way that maximizes your own potential. Don’t worry about what others think because this is your life. You are responsible for the direction you want your journey to go. Renew your mind. You are the author of your own story.

So let me know in the comments below, how do you want your story to end?
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If you enjoyed this post, be sure to read some of my other inspirational content below:
8 Lessons I learned after 4 years of blogging
5 Inspirational books that gave me the courage to live my best life!
Why I had to quit…a lesson in putting me first.
Originally posted August 2016. Updated October 2020.