11 Websites I used to make money working from home
So a new season is upon us and many of us desire a brand new start. I don’t know about you but last year was a doozy for me. I made it through and learned a lot of life lessons along the way. In the past five years, I suffered the loss of my sweet cat Dusty, learned to find healing through blogging, used my creativity to make art and helped animals by fostered cats. Additionally, I not only learned lessons in fostering and self-care last year, I learned about different ways I could make money working from home. The virtual workforce is a whole new world I discovered.
Some of you have expressed wanting to know if I make money online. Do I make money blogging? The short answer is yes, but not full-time income. My intention for starting this blog was to share my own experiences dealing with loss as a way for other grieving pet parents to know they are not alone in their experience. Three years have passed and the blog continues to evolve and grow.
As promised, I wanted to share what I’ve been up to lately, so this post may be a bit different than what you are used to reading. However, you inquired and I’m here to share what I’ve learned along the way.
I’m sure you may be asking yourself, “Is working remotely really legit?”
I don’t know about you but I’m a practical person. I‘m that girl that always says, “Yes, that sounds good BUT what’s the catch?” Well, I’m here to tell you that since starting my blogging journey over 3 years ago, I’ve learned so much about what the online space has to offer. It’s a whole big virtual world out there. There are legitimate ways to make income online. And today, at your request, I’m going to share what I’ve learned and tried along the way. Here are 11 websites I used to make money working from home.
The following websites are all ways I have explored to make extra money and part-time cash. These are all legit and I can attest to this as I have personally used all these methods and resources. This post may contain affiliate and referral links where I may earn a commission for sharing. I hope you find this list of resources helpful in your work at home journey. Let’s get started.
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Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate/referral links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to join or make a purchase after clicking through the links. It’s my intention to only provide suggestions to you that I personally have experienced or find useful.
Dream Home Based Work
I first discovered this blog from YouTube. LaShay Hudson is the author of Dream Home Based Work where you’ll find a variety of work from home opportunities. There are options for first time workers with no experience to seasoned remote workers. What I like about her site is that she posts legitimate companies that have remote work.
She is honest about what she posts and also posts proof of jobs she’s tried herself. I can appreciate that as a newbie to the remote workforce. There are a lot of scammers out there and Dream Home Based Work is a great option to find scam-free job opportunities.
I found her site helpful to find job opportunities for extra cash and part-time work. You can learn more about Dream Home Based work by visiting her site here or her YouTube channel.
Rat Race Rebellion
This site features many listings of companies that offer remote work. Similar to the prior site I mentioned, Rat Race Rebellion mission is to provide people with information and direct access to company websites with legitimate opportunities.
Rat Race Rebellion has several categories to choose from. You can look by part time work, full time work, independent contractor or W2 employee. They also sort their listings by industry as well. You can find jobs ranging from Customer Service and Sales to Social Media and Teaching.
This site offers a wide range of options. I really found this site helpful when starting my journey to finding work from home jobs. I’d definitely recommend. Check out this BIG LIST OF JOBS on their site.

A third site I discovered for virtual jobs online is Remote.co. This site offers job listings available in the USA and also a few worldwide opportunities. Although this site does offer listings of companies with remote jobs, they are somewhat limited in their number of listings.
Despite this limitation, Remote.co does offer access to listings of virtual jobs from remote companies in industries ranging from customer service and teaching to sales, data entry, and accounting.
Their website is easy to navigate and user-friendly. What I like about this site is it is easy to view the detailed job descriptions. And any job that looks interesting is hyperlinked directly to the employer so you can view company detail right away and apply if interested.
Also, this site does list both domestic and international job opportunities.
These websites below are a great source to find supplemental income and part-time opportunities. These are not full-time gigs however can provide you with new skills to add to your resume. These are great resources for students, seniors and anyone needing extra cash, good with a computer or new to the virtual workforce.
Lionbridge is a well-known remote company in the virtual world. When I first looked into finding work from home, I discovered Lionbridge from an Indeed post. While doing my research to find out more information, I learned that not only is Lionbridge legit, they offer part-time positions as employees versus just independent contract jobs.
Depending on your circumstance this may be more ideal for you. Also, Lionbridge offers different job opportunities as they become available.
I tried Lionbridge about two years ago briefly, however, due to technical issues with my equipment and their platform it didn’t work out. If I had to rate my part-time experience with them I would rate as fair.
In contrast, I told my husband about the platform and after I had ended my time with Lionbridge, he signed up. He was working with them for a year and very much enjoyed the experience. It was the perfect part-time job for supplemental income to his full-time work. What he liked best was the ability to do his tasks anytime during the day on his own time.
I wish I had the same experience with this company, but sometimes when dealing with remote work, you may encounter technical difficulties and not every company is the right fit for everyone. A few cons I did not care for was the lag time in communication. All communication is online via email, not phone.
However, the plus is the job tasks are easy to follow and you can make your own hours. I tried work as a social media ad rater and the work was enjoyable. I gained new skills.
Opportunities with Lionbridge can include jobs like social media raters or internet researchers. These are all skills many of us already do socially, only this time you are getting paid to do so.
Lionbridge is legitimate and pays bi-weekly. They do offer part-time jobs and hire you as an employee, not a contractor. It’s a great option to try if you are new to the work at home community. I’d say their jobs are ideal for minimal part-time hours or bonus cash income. If you enjoy the world wide web and are very comfortable using social media, consider Lionbridge as an option to make money working from home. You can check out their site here.
Appen is similar to Lionbridge in that this company as has virtual opportunities including, but not limited, to social media evaluation work, internet research, task-based jobs and completing surveys.
I’m a fan of Appen as I had better success with this company. I’ve worked on projects with them for over one year. They have a few different opportunities available. These positions are contract-based and not employee status jobs. These types of positions allow you to have more flexibility to make your own schedule and fit in work when you have free time.
If you are a person new to virtual work, looking to make extra spending cash and like fitting in work around your own schedule at your leisure, this company may be a right fit for you.
Appen offers a whole range of task-based positions including social media evaluation, surveys and more. The work I’ve completed thus far is pretty straightforward and simple. For confidentiality, I cannot go into detail however, if you are used to browsing social media and interacting online, you will be comfortable working for a company like Appen.
This is another legit company that has been in business for years, pays on time monthly and I can attest to having a good experience so far. If this company piques your interest, you can sign up or learn more by using my referral link here.
Another way to make cash fast online is via Cambly.com. Cambly is an online platform, similar to Skype, that allows students from around the world to video call tutors to practice their conversational English.
So you may be asking yourself, “Will I really get paid to talk online?” Yes. Cambly’s platform is more relaxed. Essentially, if you are a native English speaker from North America with a neutral accent, over 18 years old, this job may be ideal for you.

Essentially, Cambly hires people to be conversational tutors to other adult students wanting to practice their English. This is legit. I tried tutoring with Cambly last year and had a good experience. I stopped when I discovered a different company to try teaching that paid more money. Also, at this point I’m just too busy to keep up a schedule I can commit to with Cambly. I will always keep it as an option though.
What I like most about Cambly is you can operate your day one of two ways. One, you can pre-schedule and book priority hours to work in advance. Or if you don’t like commitment, you can log on whenever you want and take calls at your leisure. The platform is open 24/7.
So how does it work? You will receive calls from students from around the world so you’ll meet many different types of personalities. Most students are of adult age trying to improve their conversational English. While chatting with a student, if you need tips or topics to discuss, Cambly does have a library of topics and lesson plans you (or the student) can select to help guide conversation smoothly. Talk time can range from a 5-minute trial call all the way up to 15, 30 or 60 minutes. It’s really up to the student’s discretion and your time availability.
This is a great position for those who like to chat and engage with others. There is no contract commitment or minimum hour commitment. You can work as much or little as you want. No props or formal teaching education needed beyond a highschool diploma.
So what’s the pay? Cambly pays $10.20/hr and pay is weekly every Monday as long as your balance is $20 or more. I can attest to this myself. I never had a problem with payment and with Cambly I was able to gain new work skills as a tutor and communicate with others from around the world.
The process to apply involves a few steps. The application process involves submitting your information, recording a brief video intro about yourself and submit for review. If they like your submission you will hear back from Cambly via email and can start soon after. You’ll set up your tutor profile with a photo and then begin taking video calls at your leisure.
What’s the catch? First, you do get paid for talk time only. So if you don’t receive any video calls, you don’t get paid. This position is treated like a 1099 position so it’s contract work. So if you need a job as an employee or something with benefits, this is not for you. Every day is not the same. Some days you’ll find calls are sparse and other times very busy. I personally found the best success with taking calls on the weekends mid-morning through the early evening before dinner (EST).
The fun part about Cambly is you meet people from all over the world. I’ve spoken to people from South America, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Australia, Canada and even here in the USA. Learning about other’s personal stories while helping them improve their conversational English is both rewarding and informative. Working with Cambly gave me new skills and the confidence to try other remote work opportunities.
As for the hiring process, I was accepted within a week however I have heard of people taking months to hear back. So, there’s no guarantee. Cambly is great however may have a hiring freeze from time to time, but it’s worth a shot to try and apply. You never know if you don’t try.
Again, it’s a great way to make extra cash or supplemental income. Some people I know sign onto Cambly 5-7 days a week and make part-time income to make ends meet and supplement their income. Others use it as a means to save for an upcoming vacation or their holiday shopping at the end of the year. Essentially, the more talk time you can invest the more money you’ll make.
I can tell you it’s legit. Pay is via Paypal every Monday. If you are interested to learn more, you can use my referral link here.
This leads me to my next virtual job opportunity.
Using Cambly was a great stepping stone to explore the industry of virtual teaching. This is how I discovered this opportunity at AL07. AL07 is a company whose focus is providing Chinese students access to English speaking tutors to learn English online.
It took me a long time to find this company as I was looking for a legitimate company that not only pays better but also offered training. I wanted a company that had a reputation of treating their tutors well and had a user-friendly platform to teach.
ALO7 has all of these things. I wanted to gain more experience and try teaching children. This company does focus on teaching younger students from about 7 years old up to pre-teens on average. Ages may vary.
AL07 is based out of China so teaching requires an early morning schedule and ideally a long term commitment. Peak hours desired for teaching is 6-9am EST. Pay starts at $7.50/25 min or $15/ 50 min. Pay depends on the class taught and increases with incentive bonuses, such as exceeding quality standards and exceptional attendance records.
So, you may be wondering what’s required? Al07 does desire native English speakers with a 4-year college degree. Also, you need to obtain some TESOL training. I got mine online via Groupon. This position is treated as a contractor position and the company will send a 1099 at year-end. You can make your own hours, however, keep in mind that the hours you work are subject to a 12 hour time difference. Also with this company, there is a 6-hour minimum weekly commitment. And the 6 hours you choose to work are required to fall within the three hour time window during peak hours of 6am-9am EST daily.

Ideally, this is an ideal part-time gig. Again, this is a good opportunity for those in between jobs, looking to make extra income or part-time income. This is also a good gig for moms since your workday is finished by mid-morning. This gives you more freedom to have the rest of your day to handle your personal business, etc. This position may also work well for those who are disabled, retired or physically limited. All you really need is a computer with solid internet connection, a headset, and a collared blue shirt. All training is provided.
Because scheduling is done by the company, they prefer long term commitment. So if you like having a set schedule commitment for several weeks in advance, this may be for you. If your lifestyle is hectic and changes on a dime so you’d need to cancel, this may not be for you. When booked you can have classes scheduled several weeks in advance. However do not worry, you can request days off in advance with notice.
Payment is through Veem or via a bank account. Payment is made monthly as well. I can attest this company is legit and does pay on time…sometimes early! The hiring process under normal conditions can take 2-4 weeks. This is due to the fact that there is a 12 hour time difference and there are several steps to the application process including applying, recording a video intro, waiting for review, training, paperwork, etc.
As of present day in 2020, China (and parts of the rest of the world) have greatly been impacted by the Coronavirus, therefore many classes have had a disruption in scheduling classes. So with this in mind, if you are looking for active work, keep this company in mind and apply but be aware it may take a while to hear back or get bookings as desired.
If you are interested in teaching to make money working from home, you can view this informational video and apply using my referral link here.
The following websites are great for earning extra cash here and there. These are not meant to supplement your income on a part-time/full-time basis, but will help you reach your extra cash goals like saving for vacation money, Christmas fund or just dipping your toe in the remote work pool.
I heard about Paidviewpoint.com from my husband. If you are a fan of earning cash for completing short surveys this is right up your alley.
I’ve heard of completing surveys online for cash before and fell victim to the trap of wasting time trying to “qualify” to earn cash only to be denied after wasting 20 minutes. This is so aggravating!! Has this happened to you?
Paidviewpoint.com is the total opposite. You sign up and set up your profile and can start earning cash right away.
Okay, so I know you are thinking, “What’s the catch?” The catch is it’s only a few cents per survey BUT you are only spending about 1-2 minutes on a survey, not 15-20 minutes. In my experience so far, I can answer 10 short questions in under 2 minutes and have earned anywhere from 10 cents to $1.20 in those few minutes.
Really and truly, how much you earn depends on how often you receive surveys and how fast you can reply and complete them. Ninety-five percent of all the surveys I’ve done are only 10 brief questions.
It’s not a lot I know, but as I mentioned, it’s extra cash or lunch money for someone. My hubby loves trying new apps and if he’s killing time on his phone, he’ll answer surveys with Paidviewpoint.com.
Payout is via PayPal and you can cash out starting at $15.00. Personally, I signed up the end of the start of the year and don’t even remember to do my surveys all the time but I’m almost ready to cash out.
Just think about this, if you earned $15-20 every other month you’d have $100-$200 dollars at year-end to go holiday shopping, or treat yourself to something nice or an evening out. It adds up. This is by far the easiest way I’ve earned easy cash using surveys. You can use your mobile phone, iPad tablet or computer as well. I think this is perfect for seniors, students, or anyone that likes to earn spare change with minimal effort.
If you are interested in signing up to start earning cash, you can sign up here.

Another easy fast cash website I’ve used to make money working from home in the past is Slicethepie.com. it’s been quite a while since I’ve used this site. Honestly, I had just forgotten about it for a long time due to the hectic nature of life.
Slicethepie is another website you get paid for completing short tasks by sharing your opinion. This site only requires you to use a computer or laptop. The tasks can include rating music clips you listen to for 60 seconds and inputting your opinion. You may be asked to express your opinion about a video ads or something else entirely.
What is the catch? This site pays a few cents per task but it does count. You can cash out at a lower threshold of $10 via PayPal. Unlike Paidviewpoint where you have to wait for a survey notification to arrive, Slicethepie allows you to do as many tasks as you like while logged in. You can complete as much as you like. You can do these tasks 24/7 too.
If you are curious to try Slicethepie.com, sign up and check out their website here.
If you are a little more computer savvy and can navigate your mouse and keyboard well, this may be for you. Do you use online websites to conduct your banking or go shopping regularly? If you said yes to any of these things, Usertesting.com may be the right fit for you.
Usertesting.com is a website that pays users to test out websites and provide audio feedback while doing so. They pay $10 per website test.
What supplies do I need? All you need is a computer and/or mobile phone with the Usertesting app. You can sign up to join and become a Usertester. Once you complete your profile you are eligible to start testing websites. You will be sent a notification you have a test available to your email. In order to review a website, you’ll first answer a few brief qualifying questions. If accepted, you will be redirected to start your survey or website test right away. Instructions are provided in advance.

You will need headphones with mic to record and narrate your experience performing tasks while on the website. Once complete, you’ll be paid in a few days for your time.
What’s the catch? The caveat with Usertesting.com is that the opportunities to earn cash are sporadic. You never know when you’ll get a website test. However, the great part is that you can earn $8 in as little as 4 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly. It happened to me. Keep in mind, not all website tests are created equal. Website testing time will vary.
Also, sometimes you will see special opportunities to participate in high paying surveys that payout as much as $60. There are additional special requirements needed to qualify.
I can say this website is legit! I have completed website tasks in a little as 4 minutes and have gotten paid $10 for each time. Not all website tests will take such a short time but, it will be short enough to be worth the $10. Speaking of payment, Usertesting.com pays out using PayPal however payment posts 7 days after you have completed your task.
It’s pretty straightforward and ideal for those who are comfortable navigating around websites online and also able to speak clearly in a microphone using headphones or earbuds with a mic.
I’d recommend. You can learn more about Usertesting.com here.
Lastly, one of the more creative ways I have learned to make money working from home is through Redbubble.com. If you are an avid reader of my blog you already know I have my own Redbubble shop.

Redbubble.com is a great online space where artists and creatives can upload their original designs and artwork to the platform and have products made from those designs.
Redbubble has standard templates for products such as tees, mugs, stationery, totes, pillow, prints and more. Since Redbubble manufacturers, ships and does all the processing and customer service you don’t need to keep any inventory.
How does it work? As a creative, you sign up and set up a profile. You can then upload your work, use the existing templates provided to decide what items you want to sell. Next, you create your price point and you are ready to start earning cash.
What I like about Redbubble is that the platform is easy to use when uploading images. I like that they do all the rest of the customer service work so I don’t need to track inventory or deal with issues related to orders.
Lastly, I like the products offered to customers. The quality of the clothes and home items are durable. They have a nice expanding variety of items creatives can use to share their designs around the world.

So, what’s the catch? The only caveat is Redbubble.com does take a large portion of your price point to manufacture and sell your products so making cash is just extra cash or passive income. This is not a part-time job. Also, since you are creating products online, this requires that you invest the time to promote your own products online. You need to post, share and tell people about your products so they will come. It’s not easy.
Using Redbubble.com is a great tool to earn extra cash for creative types. This is legit and payment is via the bank account you provide. Their payout threshold is now at $20 minimum per month.
If this sounds like something that may interest you, give it a try. I’d recommend strictly for passive income or extra cash. You can view and browse my RedBubble shop to see an example of what Redbubble can do for you. There are many other talented Redbubble artists to explore as well.
After blogging for almost three years, I’ve gained a lot of life lessons including healing from loss, growing as a blogger and discovering ways to make money from home. There is a whole world of opportunities I did not know existed.
Today, I’ve shared 11 websites I’ve used to make money from home. And this is just the start of what I’ve found. I plan on continuing my journey of growth and exploring more avenues to make income. I will be sure to take you all with me as I continue to share what I learn along the way in future blog posts.
So, what did you think of this list of 11 Websites I used to make money working from home? Did any of these virtual opportunities interest you? Do you currently work from home? Is remote work something you are curious to explore? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.