Article by Daniel Richardson, editor at www.tuxedo-cat.co.uk
The 28th of March is a very important date in the cat calendar. It is ‘Respect Your Cat’ day. So in preparation for this day we have put together some tips and tricks you can try out to help you show respect to your cat and help build a healthier relationship with them.
1. Learn to Speak Cat
Learning how to properly respect your cat starts with understanding how your cat communicates. Learning the different nuances of your cat’s body language will help you understand if your cat is feeling stressed or unhappy. This will allow you to take steps to remove whatever it is that is upsetting them.
2. Let Your Cat Behave Like a Cat
It’s no good shouting at your cat every time they try and scratch the sofa, they’re a cat. That’s what cats do by instinct. Repeatedly shouting at your cat won’t change anything. It will just cause them unnecessary stress and they will just continue that behavior when you are out!
Instead provide creative outlets for these natural instincts such as plenty of scratching pads and posts, exciting toys and cat shelves and sitting spots that they can enjoy.

3. Take Them To The Vet – Even If They Don’t need To Go
If your cat would speak it would tell you that taking it to the vet is the greatest disrespect you can give any cat!
However cats epitomise the phrase ‘Stiff Upper Lip’! If your cat is feeling weak or unwell they will do a great job of hiding it from you. So (unfortunately for your cat) it is crucial that you respect your cats health by booking them a yearly checkup with the vet even if they seem in perfect health.
4. Keep The Cat Food Flowing
Cats love the familiar; familiar places, familiar smells, familiar people and familiar routines. Ensuring that your cats are fed at the same times everyday is a great way of ensuring that they do not get anxious or stressed out due to being uncertain when or where their next meal is coming from.
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5. Keep it Clean
Cats are clean animals and just like us they like their toilet to be clean. Nobody likes to find an unflushed poop in the toilet, neither does your cat!
Making sure the litter box is as clean as soon as possible is a great way of keeping your cat happy while also ensuring that your home doesn’t stink too!

6. Give them their space
Cats like to have their own personal safe space that they can go to for some peace and quiet from time to time.
If your home is a very busy place it is a great idea to make a little hidey hole for them like a box on top of the fridge or somewhere high up where they feel they can’t be seen is ideal.
7. Brush Them
It doesn’t matter what type of coat your cat has, every cat loves a good brush. A quality brush scratches all their itches and feels great…just make sure you avoid the belly!
It also helps keep your cats coat clean, tidy, and knot free. It’s a great way of showing your cat that you care for them.
8. Maybe a Massage Too
Did you know that giving a cat a massage can stimulate the release of cytokines? These are chemicals which trigger the release of endorphins which will help soothe your cat and can also act as pain relief!
Giving your cat a nice massage is a sure-fire way to show them your respect and help get your cat super chill.
If you’re not sure how to start massaging your cat try some of the ideas in the video below:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqtZQcn8Ll0
9. Blinkered Vision
Slow blinks are a cats way of saying that they trust you. You may notice that your cat does this to other cats it is friends with and humans too.
One easy way to show your cat you trust and respect them is to return the favor and give them nice slow blinks back so that they know the trust is mutual!
10. A Tempting Treat
Most cats (admittedly not all) LOVE a bit of catnip! Simply sprinkle a bit of catnip in an old sock, tie it up and let your cat do the rest.
There are few better ways to reward your cat for being your favourite feline pet on respect your cat day than letting them get loose with their favourite herb!
We hope this list has given you some ideas of new ways you can show your cat some respect and love on Respect Your Cat day – the 28th March. Thanks for reading!
Did you enjoy this post? If you want to check out more great content about tuxedo cats by Daniel Richardson, visit his blog Tuxedo Cat!
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How do you plan to show your cat some respect on Respect Your Cat day? Comment and share your thoughts below!