Dogs are awesome. Yes I said it. If you have been following my blog for a while now or know me personally, you know I favor pets of the feline variety. I’ve adored cats since I was a little girl. My love of animals is just a part of who I am. Although, I’ve grown up with cats, I’ve also hung out with friends who have dogs as well.
Having the experience of encountering different breeds of dogs, I can very much appreciate their attentive lovable nature that’s much more affectionate than cats I must say. I have to give credit where it’s due. The saying “Man’s best friend” typically doesn’t apply to just any pet. Everyone knows that phrase pertains to dogs. So in light of the fact that March 23rd is National Puppy Day, I’ll give you 10 Reasons why I think Dogs are awesome. Ready? Let’s go!
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1. Super Attentive & Loyal
I have never met a dog that is nonchalant about his friend, family or a guest. They display their affection by being close to you and super attentive. No matter what you are going through, your best buddy is right there by your side; loyal to a fault. I have been lucky to always have a positive encounter with dogs as a guest in someone’s home. Their smiling face, excitement and wagging tail get my attention from the gate. Most time dogs are eager to greet and check out the company coming to visit. I’ve always been greeted with a warm welcome.

2. Dogs are Super heroes
What do I mean? They have an ability to not only be companions but also aid us in special ways. From K9 unit dogs that help officers to Seeing Eye dogs for the blind, they help provide assistance and services for people who cannot help themselves. Dogs have also been known to have a special unique ability to detect certain conditions in their owners such as cancer, high/low blood sugar levels in diabetics as well as help soothe and calm kids with autism. They have also been known to assist army veterans suffering from PTSD. For these reasons I think dogs are heroes.
3. Westminster Dog Show
Okay so I’m a little jealous. Dogs have their own big beauty pageant! Have you heard of the Westminster Dog Show?! So many breeds and gorgeous fluff balls prancing around showing off their good looks and home training. What’s not to love?

4. Masters of Tricks and Training
Unlike cats, dogs tend to be more easily trained to heed to basic commands. If you tell a dog sit or stay, most likely he’ll do it as compared to a cat which will more than likely give you the stank eye first before walking away. This is not to say cats cannot be trained but from my experience and what I’ve seen dogs are pros in this category.
5. Protectors
Another reason why I think dogs rule is they can also act as our protectors and guardians. For some homeowners who are pet owners, they are the first line of defense when it comes to security. Dogs have super hearing and have the ability to alert us by barking if and when someone approaches the front door. In some cases dogs act as our body-guard and will defend us if they feel threatened.

6. Social butterflies
Dogs are awesome because they are social magnets. When it comes to living in a big metropolis city like New York, it’s difficult to meet and socialize with others on a personal level when everyone is on the go. However, if you have ever been out to a dog run or local park with your pooch, you know that dogs have a way of bringing people together. Pet owners share a common bond of having a mutual best buddy with fur and therein lies a conversation starter.
7. They “Go” outside
I for one don’t mind that a cat has to go do his business inside a square box in the house however I must say I can see the benefits of a pet handling their business outside the home. A dog naturally goes outside the house out in the open amongst the fresh air. Although, one has to scoop the poop, at least it’s outside the house. There is no worry about keeping the odors at bay or finding ways to conceal a litter box, so in this way dogs rule!
8. Dog’s rocked Fashion first
I’ve been a pet owner and also loved pets since childhood. However, when it comes to animal fashions, puppies did it first! I must say a dog can rock a yellow raincoat and booties much easier than a cat can. Dog’s don’t mind and are rather silly and playful in the rain or when getting a bath. We’ve all experienced the doggie shake after their bath time yes? Doggie fashions have exploded over the past couple decades. Nowadays, pet fashion is a multi-million dollar business.

9. Dogs help us Move
Unlike cats that don’t mind sleeping half the day away, dogs are on average much more active and playful. Dogs help get us as pet owners moving and walking. The good part about having to walk your dog daily is incorporating more physical activity, which is great for overall fitness and getting oxygen in your lungs. Although you are not running a marathon, you do get a chance to get outside, get fresh air and stretch and move your legs. That is only helping your overall physical wellness in a positive way.
10. Unconditional Love
Last but not least, one common thread dogs share with cats is the bond of unconditional love. No matter your size, your clothes or background, your dog loves you just the way you are. In good times, bad times and everything in between, he or she will be a solid dedicated loyal family member and friend until their last breath. They give us so much more than what they ask for in return. That’s the definition of selfless love.
So those are 10 reasons why I think dogs are awesome and definitely deserve the title of man’s best friend! What else would you add to this list?Comment and share below!
If you enjoyed this post, check out my other post 15 Quotes that remind us dogs are awesome!
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Post originally published Feb. 2017, Updated March 21, 2018