I feel like this is an important blog post to make because we get one shot to get it right or at least try. One of my favorite sayings I once was “This life is not a dress rehearsal”. You get one life, one shot, one chance to do what you can, do what you love, and give it your all. Often times I feel like as children our dreams and aspirations are so high and we feel anything is possible. And then a few more years go by or even a decade goes by and something shifts.
The reality of life and responsibilities presents itself. With responsibilities comes consequences and sometimes more problems. It is during these times in life when we are faced with trials and challenges we can often lose sight of our dreams, our goals or our plans. We are all so consumed with trying to solve our problems or deal with our issues that we lose sight of the big picture. And then one day you have an epiphany at 50 and realize ‘oh damn’ where did my time go? What happened to my dreams? Things didn’t turn out the way I hoped.
I was quite the shy kid growing up and one thing I’m glad I did was take the time to listen more than I spoke. Now that I am in my 30s and lived some life I can honestly say I’m proud that I had that trait as a child. You can learn so much through listening to other people’s testimonies about life and lessons learned. It’s through others experiences you can take heed and save yourself some agony, pain or regret.
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Regrets of the Dying
I was listening to some You Tube videos and stumbled upon a video talking about regrets of the dying. One of the most commons themes among the dying was regretting not living the life they wished they had. What does that mean? It means people who were on their death-bed regretted not pursuing their passions in life for fear of failure. Or many also regretting not maintaining and keeping good friendships throughout the years because they were just “too busy” with the kids. The most poignant message I got was the dying regretted not living life on their terms and living to appease someone else. I find that the most eye-opening yet sad point. It is so true though.
There are so many of us just going through life like a herd of cattle going with the mainstream doing what everyone else is doing because it’s the “norm” or expected. But if life is not a dress rehearsal why not be different and try to explore that one thing that makes your heart skip a beat? Who says you even have to drop everything either. We are multifaceted people and capable of so much. Why not try to add that special something to your daily life. Do you like to sing? Join the church choir or get the guys together and go to karaoke. Do you like to draw or paint? Sign up for a Paint Nite class with friends. What if you love animals? Start to volunteer at your local shelter.
Ignite your Passion
I’ve gone through some very personal struggles that really could have left the average person depressed and defeated but you know what, you get back up and dust yourself up and keep going. It’s not over until it’s over. Find that thing that ignites your soul and takes you back to being a happy kid again. You have no idea how rediscovering your passion gives you a new lease on life. We don’t get a second chance at life. We have one shot to give it our best. I for one do not want to be on my death-bed listing all the things I should have done, but rather sharing memories of all the crazy things I tried.
With 2018 almost here, what do you plan to try in the new year? Comment and share your thoughts below.