General tips,  Pets

    5 Ways to tell your cat you love them!

    *Special guest post by Ibrahim Raidhan, creator of www.catloverhere.com, a website dedicated to cat parents.

    In this article you are going to learn about:

    • Different ways to tell your cat you love them
    • Ways on how your cat will understand that you are showing them you love them

    Sound good? Let’s dive in!

    There’s a misconception about cats that they are very self-reliant, independent and they don’t need us showing them love or affection. Whereas with dogs, their owners shower them with love and it is reciprocated too. But the truth is cats are very sociable animals and they desire love, attention and affection.

    So how do you tell your cat you love them? Do we talk to them and just tell them or do we show them through body language? Let’s go through the different ways you can tell your cat you love them.

    5 Ways to tell your cat you love them. 

    1. Slowly blink at your cat.

    This is called “cat kisses.” Have you ever seen your cat look at you and slowly blink at you? This is their way of showing they love you, trust you and feel relaxed around you. How cute is that right? So, you can do the same back to them. Slowly blink at them to tell them that you love them and they will understand the feline gesture of love.

    1. Spend quality time with your cat.

    Cats love chasing things, pouncing on them and hunting because they are of course predators. Unfortunately, they don’t get to do that much. Here’s the best part. You can play with your cat with toys so they can use their predatory skills to catch and hunt.

    Spend at least 15 – 20 minutes with your cat. This will also keep your cat physically healthy and happy.

    1. Let your cat take a cat nap on you.

    If your cat loves to snuggle and sleep on you then let them. Snuggle with them and spend that quality time. This will show him or her you love them.

    My cat loves to sleep on my lap and will look for every opportunity to do so!

    5 Ways to tell your cat you love them PIN

    1. Groom your cat.

    Although cats spend around 30% of their lives cleaning themselves they would appreciate a little hand at times, especially in the places where they love the most. For example, scratching and grooming behind the ears or under the chin! Try it and see how your cat will purr and feel relaxed. This is a great way of bonding also.

    1. Give your cat treats.

    Treat your cat to some treats that they love. We know they love their treats! My cat literally demands them, but it’s hard saying no, especially when he blinks at me slowly!

    In Conclusion

    Cats want to feel loved and want our attention. It’s our duty as cat parents to give it to them as they do deserve it. Using these tips will keep your cat happy and of course feel loved! It’s important to understand your cat and learn to speak their language.

    You can learn more about speaking to cats and showing them you care by checking out the Cat Language Bible. This is a really great guide that teaches you to speak to your cat and actually have a conversation with them! You can find out all about Cat Language Bible by clicking here.

    Ibrahim Raidhan is a cat parent and due to his love for cats has created  www.catloverhere.com, a website dedicated to cat parents.

    Did you enjoy this post? Do you use any of these tips with your cat? How do you show love to your cat love? Comment and share your thoughts below!