• General tips,  Inspirational Quotes,  Pets

    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month- Inspiration #8

    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

    It’s Monday, the start of a new month and Spring is here.  According to the ASPCA, this month is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals month, so shout out to all our lovable furry friends, furry family members and those in shelters awaiting their forever homes! Today is April 2nd which also happens to be National Ferret Day! I know what your thinking. “Ferrets get a day too?” Yes indeed. I didn’t realize this either however the more animal holidays the better if you ask me!

    National Ferret Day

    According to Ferret.org, national Ferret day occurs every April 2nd and is a day dedicated to educate the public about the domesticated ferret. This day, celebrated in the United States, is meant to bring focus on ferret issues of general welfare, care, nutrition and responsible pet ownership. The quote in the image below by Graham Chapman really resonates with me because I care about the well-being of all animals.

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    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month


    What are your thoughts about this quote?  Would you agree? If you are interested in the latest pet trends and looking for ways to keep your pet safe, check out my other blog post Most Popular Pet trends to look for in 2018.

    Comment and share your thoughts below.

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    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month