If you follow my Instagram, you may have seen a recent post where I mentioned that I joined the Sarcastic Dog Healthy Dog Healthy You Challenge. This challenge came at the perfect time. Do you want to know how everything transpired? Well, what had happened was…
For the past several months coming out of winter season, my workout and eating right game faltered. As a result I gained a few pounds and my exercise routine was pretty much dead in the water. Spring is in full bloom and summer is a sneeze away. I know I need to do better, but why don’t I have the motivation? Part of my lack of drive was a result of exhaustion, stress and doing too much over the last year into 2017. I wrote about this in detail in a post called Why I had to Quit…a lesson in putting myself first.

What I do know is that I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I needed to make a change. I so needed to get back to working out consistently. Yep, these are all the thoughts that ran through my mind as I sat at my desk last week surfing the net watching cutesy kitten and puppy videos on my lunch break. Then “ding”. I see a notification that I had an invitation to join a 30 day challenge. Hmm…what’s this? Clearly a sign, straight from above. Just like that.
I got an invite from Alison Reder author of SarcasticDog.com to join the 30 day Healthy Dog Healthy You Challenge. I thought to myself, “Okay. This is a sign.” So I replied excited and then I hesitated. Why? Um I have no pets. 🙁 I responded. “Hey. I’d like to join but I don’t have a dog. Can I still do this?” Enthusiastically Alison replied “Yes! Absolutely. You can even walk the neighbor’s dog!”
It’s official. I’m in. I’m going to jump both feet in and not look back. I need to do this now. Not tomorrow, today. My new-found motivation! Furry friends + Exercise goals + social sharing = FUN. I found an unexpected source of motivation and challenge to reboot my drive.

Day One
The 30 Day Challenge is exactly what it sounds like. It is 30 days of trying to get you and your dog (if you have one) kick started on a healthier path by incorporating healthy exercise and eating habits. The challenge runs June 4th through July 3rd. I signed up for the challenge online and received a welcome email with all the information, goal setting materials and rainy day advice to boot. There are also daily social share challenges as well as a chance to win giveaway prizes along the way too.
I entered the challenge 2 days late (June 6th) , however I’m not letting that get in my way.
My Goals
Since I have my FitBit, I set a personal goal for the challenge to walk 10,000 steps every day for at least 5 days per week and have the weekends for rest or light exercise like yoga. I really could work on my stretching too because my flexibility skills are less than to be desired.

Results – Week One
I did pretty good for week one considering I started late. By the weekend on Saturday I was exhausted so I stayed in and slept in late. I didn’t get many steps in at all. For week two I plan on increasing the number of steps and getting closer to my goal.
Finding unexpected joy & healing
Getting healthy is part of healing. As I mentioned on my Instagram post, part of healing after loss (or anything traumatic) involves not only the emotional but also the physical. Our bodies are our temple and we only get one body to carry us through this journey called life, so we must take care of it. I’m not perfect, but doing my best, with the tools and resources I have.

I am thankful this 30 day challenge presented itself when it did, because clearly this happened for a reason. I’m definitely finding joy, laughter and everything in between when seeing social shares within the community group where we post daily updates of our walks including our furry friends. I like the accountability factor with posting challenges daily. It keeps you honest and accountable for yourself and your peers in the challenge with you. This experience so far has been not only challenging (in a positive way) but fun. You can do things at your own pace and feel encouraging words of support from others in the group along the way.
Final thoughts
I’m going to keep stepping on into my Week 2 and post another update next week of my progress.
Are you interested in joining the 30 Day Healthy Dog Healthy you Challenge? You can join anytime and it’s FREE. You (and your dog) also can enter for your chance to win giveaway prizes. To learn more details and enter, visit the Sarcastic Dog blog.
Be sure to follow me on my fitness journey on Instagram or Twitter.

Comment & share below. What’s your exercise motivation? Do you have an existing exercise routine? Are you joining the 30 Day Healthy Dog Healthy You Challenge?