• Inspirational Quotes,  Life

    Monday Inspiration #24- When happiness radiates from you…

    Monday Inspiration #24

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    Have you ever heard the saying “You attract what you emanate?” I love this Monday inspiration quote today because it is one I definitely believe in. To paraphrase, if you are what you eat, then I would argue that you attract what you are too.

    Now I’m not saying bad things happen to good people because they deserve it. What I am acknowledging is the power of our thoughts, our words and our environment. When going through life, you will encounter struggles, the unknown and everything in between. So, it’s important to always do your best to only incorporate things in your life that serve you constructively and make you happy.

    Constantly feeding your soul with positivity, joy and knowledge will only help to produce happiness and joy that will in turn radiate from you. When positivity radiates from you, you will tend to attract like minded individuals and circumstances.

    What do you think? Do you believe in the power of positivity? Did this quote resonate with you today? Comment and share your thoughts below.

    If you like inspirational resources, check out my other blog post 5 Inspirational books that gave me the courage to live my best life.