In honor of Hug your Cat Day on June 4th, I figured I would share two oldie but goodie pictures.
Throwback Pics!
This picture was taken in 1999 when I lived in California with my first cat Precious. Precious was a chunky monkey and not one for posing often, but this shot was a keeper. As you can see, she was a grey tabby cat with a white belly and white paws. So precious! The best part about having a hefty kitty were the hugs! My first love. Will cherish those memories always.

This picture was taken about 6 years ago or so. I can’t quite remember however this is my little furball Dusty I speak about so often. She was a Siamese and Calico mix and always very little. She never reached beyond 7 pounds. She was the super friendly, energetic and curious kitty of the two. In this picture she was a bit fidgety and anxious to play but I got a quick photo with me hugging my little furball. Good times.

Comment and share below. What are your fondest “hugging” memories?