Monday Inspiration #59 – When tragedy strikes, you have two options.
When you face tragedy like pet loss or just loss of a loved one in general, it can be soul crushing. You wonder how can I go on without them? They were my rock and cornerstone of the family. Well, as much as I’d like to give you a fancy answer, death is a part of life. No matter how much you think you are prepared to handle the death of a loved one that’s been ill for a long time or suffering from a terminal illness, when it happens it’s devastating.
However, in the face of tragedy I can say from experience it truly is a test of your inner strength and ability to navigate through the mucky waters of life. It is when we are at our worst when you can tell who your real true friends are. And in the same way it is when we experience our most dire circumstances our true character shows.
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Losing my cat Dusty to cancer was hands down one of the most heart-breaking, soul crushing experiences of my life. However, despite it all, I made it through. Why? First, although I knew death is a part of the life cycle, what I also knew was that it was in Dusty’s nature to always be cheerful and positive. Ninety nine percent of the time she always was laid back, belly up and enjoyed life. Nothing really bothered her. And with that in mind, I knew I could not stay in a place of defeat and depression and self pity for long. She would not want me to live like that. I had to force myself to take steps forward to a brighter day.
When we meet tragedy we have two choices; you can stay defeated and wallow in your misery or get up! Get up and one day at a time, make one more step further toward reclaiming your life and find joy again. That’s what I did after experiencing my pet’s death. I cried my eyes out, took my time to grieve but I also found a constructive way to work my way through my grief. One day at a time.
Through positive activities like volunteer work, painting and also sharing my experiences in this blog I discovered a way to help heal my heart and work through my own personal tragedy in a positive way. I turned my pain into purpose.
Share with me below in the comments. How do you handle tragedy in life? Are you still trying to figure things out? Has this blog helped you? Comment below.
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