Monday Inspiration #58 – Positive thinking is an invaluable tool.
Ah the power of positive thinking. Don’t underestimate the power of the mind over the body. Having a positive outlook on life despite your circumstance is key to finding peace. With regards to my own experience losing Dusty to cancer, I had to force myself to look forward in a more positive direction.
The grief was unbearable and at the same time I knew in my heart and soul that Dusty would not want me to wallow in my own misery but to carry on. What better way to find a sense of healing than by helping others. Hence, this started my journey to volunteering with animals and starting this blog! By sharing my own story I wanted to help others find validation and comfort.
As a result of both of these things, it helped to heal my heart at a time in my life that was most difficult. How about you? How has the power of positive thinking helped to change your life? Has my blog helped you in a positive way?
Share your thoughts below! And don’t forget to pin and share this post with a friend!

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