This short post is to honor all the awesome cats out there that are family to other pet parents and those who are still looking for their forever homes. Also, let us not forget those that are gone but forever live in our hearts. (Mommy loves you, Dusty & Precious!)
Curious to know more about how International Cat Day began? Check out this video clip!
Funny scaredy cats
Here’s a short video of some cat shenanigans for your enjoyment.
Looking to Adopt?
Are you looking to add a new furry family member to the household? I encourage you to adopt from a local shelter or rescue. Here are a few resources you can use if you are considering adopting. Visit your local animal shelter and save a life or you can start your search using the following hyperlinks below:
Looking for low-cost wellness/spay & neuter services?
If you live in northern New Jersey, check out People for Animals! They are a non-profit low-cost clinic that provides basic wellness services in addition to spay and neutering of cats and dogs. Help reduce pet overpopulation by getting your pets fixed. With various locations in northern New Jersey, you can learn more about this clinic and rescue here.
Did you know August 8th is International Cat Day? Are you ready to adopt? Have you gotten your pets fixed? Leave a comment and share your thoughts below!
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