Monday Inspiration # 92 – Pets are a blessing and a gift.
Whether your pet has earned their angel wings or still on this life journey with you here on Earth, they are truly a blessing. Having a pet is a gift. Those that don’t have pets will never know the joy of sharing life with an unconditional loving soul with paws. Pets are family and have enriched my life over the years in many ways.Ā From teaching me patience, responsibility, and unconditional love and laughter, my cats helped make me a better human. And when they passed on, I learned that the love and the memories always remain. With this in mind, today’s inspirational quote expresses these sentiments as well. Does this quote resonate with you?
Share your thoughts in the comments. Do you agree that pets are a gift? How has having a pet enriched your life? Don’t forget to share and pin this post!
Learn how my pets have impacted my life by reading some of my other popular posts below.
A love letter to my cats Precious and Dusty
10 Life lessons my cats taught me about life
10 Things my cats would say if they could talk!

Michelle & The Paw Pack
So true! I feel blessed to still have both of my dogs here with me. I try to remind myself daily of how lucky I am to receive the many gifts they bring into my life.
Well said!
Tiffany Smith
I can’t imagine my life without pets! My first dog taught me a lot about relationships and love š
They definitely teach us about the real definition of unconditional love. Well said.
Cathy Armato
For me, I believe that my pets have all been incredible gifts from God. They teach us about unconditional love, patience, silly humor, and how to simply Be and enjoy the beauty around us. I love Linda Blair’s quote – it’s perfect. She is a wonderful animal advocate.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
I couldn’t agree more! I swear our pets are angels with paws.
Ruth Epstein
Baby RIP was the best gift ever during my DV relationship, she kept me going on a daily basis and when she passed and I rescued Layla she was the new gift in my life and she is still gifting me today by making me laugh, smile, patience and most of all getting me out of the house. Life without a pet is an empty heart and soul
Well said! Pets save us in so many ways including giving us the strength to persevere. RIP Baby! She was a blessing to help you through that DV situation and be able to start a new chapter with Layla in your life.
Britt K
I love this! Each of our pets is truly a gift and I often find myself wondering what we did to deserve such incredible beings in our lives. They are so full of love and compassion and don’t hesitate to share that with us at every turn. I can’t imagine facing the struggles or stresses of life without them snuggling it all away. They make everything better!
So true! I could not say it any better!
jana rade
One humankind has successfully unlearned is how to be grateful for the things in life. And when it concerns living beings, such as pets, we ought to be even more grateful to have the privilege of having them to share in our lives.
Well said Jana!
Sweet Purrfections
I don’t know how I’d survive the daily stresses of my life without my cats. They provide laughter, comfort, and healing.
I agree. They are often times our support system all the way!