Love your pet day is February 20th. In honor of this special day, I figured it would be fun to write a love letter to my cats Precious and Dusty. I also wrote a recent blog post 15 Unique Ways to remember and honor your pet. If you missed that post, be sure to check it out here.
One of the joys of being a cat mom involved the lessons learned along the way. With my first cat Precious, she was my first full-time experience being a cat mom. As a young teen, I always would feed the neighborhood strays but was never allowed to have them in the house. I remember the one time I did sneak a stray in the house. That ended up in a mess! “Never again!” mom said.
My first love
By the time I started college, my sister had called me on the phone to say a coworker had a cat that had kittens and she was bringing one home. Well as the oldest and most responsible one, the cat care duties fell into my lap and I took to caring for Precious with my sister. She taught me so many valuable lessons and provided love and attitude in her lifetime. She will always be my first love.
My heart cat
I took my second cat Dusty off the street. A kid was selling kittens in a box in front of a grocery store for $5 dollars. I went out to run errands for my mom and returned home with milk, bread, eggs, and a kitten I later named Dusty.
Dusty was the runt of the litter, chill and relaxed in nature. She had a natural curiosity about life, loved to explore, was lovable, and always cheerful. Dusty and I had a connection that grew over the years. She was with me through the ups and downs of life. This included the lows of losing Precious and the highs of getting married. Eventually, she earned her angel wings and took my heart with her. I was crushed but can truly say she was my soulmate with paws.
This post is a dedication to my fur angels Precious and Dusty.

For Precious
Dear Precious,
I remember when you first came home with auntie that evening. You were the cutest little tabby I had ever seen. A little baby kitten 6 weeks old with the lungs of an adult. I remember training you to go to sleep in the laundry room with your new bedding and separate space. Every time I lulled you to sleep you would wake up and “meow” cry as soon as I left the room. Well, it only took about 7 tries back and forth before you stopped crying. And of course, like a worried mom, I had to check to see if you were okay.
Peeking in to see your little face fast asleep, let me know you would be just fine with us. You found your forever home. Fast forward through 8 years until your unexpected passing from heart murmur complications, you brought us so much joy, laughter, and attitude.
One of my memories I can recall involved you welcoming your sister Dusty to the family in your own nonchalant way. You let Dusty know she was welcome but there is only one queen of the castle. LOL

Thank you Precious for coming into our lives to show and teach us responsibility, care, compassion, patience, and love. You helped teach me about loyalty and sticking together through the highs and the lows. You were with me at my lowest moments in life and my most pivotal with a cross country move from California to the Big Apple.
I suppose your purpose in life was to help be my guiding angel to my next big chapter because as soon as we moved, you earned your angel wings. The timing could not be worst, but everything happens for a reason, some I do not understand.
But one thing I know without a doubt. You were loved and you were family. I carry you in my heart still after all these years. Your first love always is with you. Thank you for your meows, biscuits, and purrs to always soothe and comfort me. You were my first love and will always have a special place in my heart forever. I love you, Precious.
For Dusty
Dear Dusty,
I remember that sunny brisk day when I brought you home from the supermarket parking lot to come home with me to meet Mom and sister. You were quite the little scraggly runt. Although the smallest of the bunch you were also the most mellow and laid back.
The moment I brought you home you were on a quest to explore all the nooks and corners including the laundry closet. While exploring behind the dryer and washer and coming out to see about some food, you were covered in lint dust. That is how you got your name by the way. Your Calico and Siamese mix gave you a pretty gray long-haired coat. What a fitting name…Dusty!

The best way to describe you was a duck that turned into a swan. Awkward and malnourished at first, with love snuggles and attention you turned into the beautiful cat we saw from the start.
I adored your confidence, sense of humor, and tricks annoying your older sister Precious. One of my favorite memories with the both of you involved you always pouncing on Precious when she is sleeping to get her attention to play with you.
Aside from your silliness, I always loved how expressive and vocal you were. We had our own wavelength and communication. We understood each other so well.
Another favorite memory I can recall involved you vetting my boyfriend (now husband) in your own way. I knew my future mate would have to be an animal lover no question. When you met your future Dad and would enter the room and sniff him out so casually despite him saying he is more a dog person. You carried on and hypnotized him because Dusty you worked your cat magic on him.
Fast forward a year and now he is a cat person. You truly are something else. This reminds me of one of my favorite memories that made me laugh. While returning from a vet visit for you, I decided to drive. Your future Dad put you in the back seat with the carrier facing forward so you could still see, and he got in the passenger seat. We buckled up our seat belts and as I started the car I said, “Ok Dusty you ready to go home?” You responded with a “Meow”. Future hubby responded in shock, “Wait? Did she just answer you?”
“Yes, naturally,” I said with a giggle in my heart. He just did not know our connection yet. We understood each other. And from then on you rode this journey of life with me including new chapters of surviving hurricane Sandy, getting married, and moving again.
We survived it all and through it, you and hubby only grew closer and bonded. You changed my life for the better and his too. He went from a dog person to a cat person. Your kindness, patience, and loveable nature helped make our house a home. You were family. Our little munchkin.
Our final family memory together included a Christmas weekend trip. Although you were dealing with thyroid cancer growing, you had a solid weekend with good energy and a solid appetite. We all enjoyed what would be our final Christmas holiday together.
After 13 ½ years, I had to make the heart-wrenching decision to end your suffering and help you to the other side. I held your little paws as the doctor gave you the first series of sedation medicine.
As I told you from the start, as your Mom I had made a promise never to let you suffer. Although I wanted to keep you here with us, my love for you means knowing when to let you go. And we did just that. With a prayer and promise to see you again, we said farewell.
This is not goodbye but see you later. We love you forever Dustball! You were my heart cat and meant the world to us. You captivated our hearts, left an indelible impression in our lives, and inspired me to share our experiences together with the world.
Because of you, I have learned to turn my pain into purpose and help other pet parents find a path to healing.
I thank the good Lord for you and your sister. They say pets find us and I am so glad you both did. It was an honor to be your Mom. My love for you both continues still, now, and forever. Keep shining your light little one. Mommy loves you!
Final Thoughts
In closing, writing love letters to my cats I am reminded once again that the love of my fur kids is abundant and overflows after all these years. Speaking of love, you know one of my favorite sayings is “I love animals more than people.”
I believe in this so much I created a Love of Animals art collection. You can see it here.

Love your pet day is February 20th however, if you feel the same way I do, every day is love your pet day. Pets provide us the unconditional love and loyalty. They make our days brighter and life better. They make a house a home and become family. Pets make us better human beings. Show your pets a little extra love with some snuggles and treats. And if your pets passed on, you could continue to honor your pet with a love letter or these 15 unique ideas.
Did you enjoy reading these love letters to my cats? What are you planning for Love your Pet day? Share your thoughts in the comments below.