• Inspirational Quotes,  Life

    Monday Inspiration #55 – An art of balance, purity and serenity.

    Monday Inspiration # 55

    I found this unique quote and it immediately resonated with me because it reminded me of my purpose in starting this blog. If art involves multiple mediums of creativity like writing, painting, music and so forth, then I believe art has the ability to heal too. Did you read my other blog post the Healing Power of Art? If not, you should give it a read.

    If art has the potential to provide some balance, purity and serenity in life, I think it can only be beneficial to someone in search of healing and validation. I hope that following my journey to finding healing after pet loss, you’be been able to find some of my experiences you can connect with and find validation for your own feelings and emotions. I hope this blog has brought some sense of peace, serenity and renewed joy as well.

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    Whether it is sharing my new fostering adventures or sharing my new art designs I hope I have done my part in this world to bring a little joy to your life. Finding some positivity through the storm only helps us connect as pet parents and makes us stronger.

    Did today’s quote resonate with you? Has this blog helped you find some validation or joy post pet loss? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

    Check out some of my other more popular posts below:

    10 Easy ways to add joy to your life

    10 Things I’m thankful for after pet loss

    5 Ways I discovered painting helped heal my heart

    20 Quotes to keep you inspired

    monday inspiration art quote #art #lifequotes #mondayinspiration #impurrfectlife