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    What is it about sticking to an exercise routine that is so hard? I currently work out 4-5 times a week. How long have I been doing so? About 3 weeks. Yes I’m being honest. I am so not that girl who works out 7 days a week and was on the track and gymnastics team in high school. Nope! I think I’m like most people. The New Year starts along with your new motivations and then by the time Valentine’s Day comes you are burying your face in those sumptuous truffles your hubby got you. And then comes the guilt after the chocolate high of course.

    If exercise was as entertaining as watching your favorite TV shows on DVR, I guess most people would be in shape. But that is not the reality. The reality is if one really is making fitness a priority, there will be no excuses. I need to get in the frame of mind and make exercise a priority for my health. I fit the definition of overweight person like millions of other people however my biggest obstacle is consistency. Are you like me? Do you exercise and eat clean and then fall off the wagon? How do you regain that motivation or maintain your momentum? The last time I did really well and lost 30 pounds was for my wedding day. Motivation…check! Afterward the wedding however, the motivation was gone and I slowly became relaxed on my routine. And as the story goes the love pounds started to creep back on. I am thankful that I haven’t gained it all back but I am on a quest to stop this trend and turn it around. Not only for my health but for myself and my hubby. There’s no denying men are visual creatures. I’m thankful he loves me for me and all of me but a healthy mate helps for a healthy marriage too-mentally and physically.

    I have learned over the past few years that with my semi introvert nature I like working out alone, sometimes with a plus one, but I like my solitude. Perhaps it’s the Aquarius side of me but I don’t have to be concerned with what I look like or take my own time. “Me” time is precious. Also as much as I was motivated and trying a gym membership, it started out good at first however as the old saying goes. “Who’s got the time?” Between commuting or maneuvering bus schedules after work  and getting home late, I’m finding I’m melting back to my old routine that seemed to work well for me which is set the alarm 45 min earlier, wake up, roll out of bed, change and start “Play” on my DVD player. I’m a person that also very much enjoys variety and exercise DVDs give me that option. Now if I could only stick with it consistently that would be great.

    Do you have this same issue of consistency when it comes to exercise? What tips and tricks do you use to keep yourself on the wagon and stay motivated?