• Inspirational Quotes,  Life

    Monday Inspiration #42 – Learn to enjoy every minute.

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    Monday Inspiration #42 – Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.

    One thing I’ve learned very early on in the course of my life is that material things and objects don’t bring long-lasting satisfaction. I yearned for deeper meaning and long-lasting friendships and love (which I’m very happy to have found by the way.)

    Have you ever noticed that our pets are really so smart? I mean they really get it. For example, think of a cat. Remember all the times you bought toys for them to play with only for them to look at it or toss it around for 5 minutes. Then, you get an empty box in the house and they love that cardboard! It’s like heaven to them. It’s a fort, it’s a castle, it’s a hideout….no it’s just a box! 

    Now, just think about it for a second. Whether your pet is living or has their angel wings, they really understand the purpose of life. Enjoy it! Live in the moment. Don’t worry and fret about tomorrow. Love unconditionally and be sure to get plenty of fun and joy mixed in. Take joy in the simple things, like an empty cardboard box. Life is what you make it. It’s really not that complicated.

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    Sure, life will definitely throw obstacles your way, but in the midst of it all remember to enjoy each minute, hour, month and year of your life because tomorrow is not promised. And I can guarantee you that there is someone else in the world fighting for the very life we take for granted.

    With that said, what are you doing to enjoy your life? Do you practice any personal hobbies that bring you joy? Does this quote resonate with you? Share your thoughts in comments below.

    Lastly, did you like this post? If so, you must check out my other inspirational posts below.

    Monday Inspiration #30 – Life is about Living

    Monday Inspiration #18 – Love gives strength and courage

    5 Inspirational books that gave me the courage to live my best life!

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