• Inspirational Quotes,  Life

    Monday Inspiration #74 – Who needs formal education?

    Living in the 21st century and also a pandemic, we have all gotten a crash course in learning new skills online. Personally, I have understood for a long while know that eventually working remotely and transitioning to remote transactions would be the wave of the future.

    Personally speaking, I have had experience with many facets of online tools, including research, buying goods, blogging, setting appointments and lastly getting an education. I have matriculated in both brick and mortar locations and online. And now that we are are now living through a pandemic, it has thrust all of us into a new way of life whether we like it or not.

    Who needs a formal education?

    This brings me to expand upon today’s quote. If you are like me and a Generation X kid or older you probably grew up with the societal conditioning that getting a formal education at a 4-year university was the ideal way to further your education. Well, I have news for you. It’s not true.

    Do you realize that many of the most successful people in the world are college dropouts? Not all valuable lessons are learned in a brick and mortar Ivy League school. Many of our most valuable lessons are learned by experience, trial and error or just an alternative path. So just let that sink in for a while.

    Although we all are being forced to live our lives more remotely, think of it as a new chance to gain new skills, learn, be creative and more resourceful. After all, as I’ve said before, we are in this together.

    11 Websites I used to make money working from home

    Share your thoughts

    What did you think of today’s Monday inspiration? Do you like the idea of learning remotely? Did you graduate from a brick and mortar school or remotely? Have you tried an apprenticeship before? What method of learning do you think works best for you? Tell me. How has living through a pandemic change how you work daily? Share your thoughts in the comments.