You may be grieving the loss of your special furry friend or perhaps just feeling down or depressed, but life is tough and nobody said it was fair. You are not alone and I assure you there is someone else in the world that has been exactly where you are. The real question is how will you set yourself apart? Will you allow your pain to take over and let life pass you by or turn your pain into purpose and help others?
Once the dust has settled and a little time has passed, it is time to get your life back on track. Our furry friends and friends without paws, want us to thrive and live our best life. It would be so easy if others could do the work for us and allow us to find happiness or do better but life is not that way. If you want a different type of life or a happier more fun-filled life you have to take the steps. Nobody can do it for you.

Our furry friends always love us unconditionally and are always there, so why not learn from them and make yourself a priority and show self-love to make yourself a priority too? We get one chance in life and this life is not a dress rehearsal. In the words of Eric Thomas “Make the rest of your life the best of your life”.
It is this mindset that helped me heal after experiencing the loss of my second cat Dusty. After I was all cried out, I still felt unrest in my soul. I felt like I had to do something more than lie on the couch watching reality TV. I had to make myself useful.
It was then and there I decided thinking about volunteering for an organization. I knew I wanted something that allowed some flexibility. I knew I loved animals and I wanted an easy way to find options. So, I used and discovered a great organization called Kitty Kind.

Kitty Kind is a no kill rescue adoption organization that focuses on finding homes for cats and kittens. They are based out of NYC and share space at a Petco location in Union Square –New York City. They are not a shelter however are a great organization that focuses on finding cats forever homes with adoptive families. The adoption process is very detailed and designed to ensure the cats adopted will have the best possible chance of success in thriving in their new environment. I do virtual volunteer work from home for Kitty Kind and so glad I joined. It’s now been a year since I joined and I have met a few cool people in the process and found a purpose out of my pain.
It really surprised me just how much volunteering helped me heal, sharing stories of my pets and also lifting my spirits by being part of an organization that helps get strays off the streets and find them homes. It is really rewarding and fun. And of course I can’t help but ooh and aah over the cute pictures of the fur babies that come in.
So if you are trying to find a way to turn your pain into purpose, consider volunteer work or adoption. Consider Kitty Kind. You can find more information about the organization here. Or you can also try searching online for different organizations you think you may want to be a part of like Salvation Army, your local animal shelter or local library. If you are home bound or not able to make in person commitment, there are virtual opportunities as well. Don’t let your limitations limit your potential.
“Make the rest of your life the best of your life”- Eric Thomas