joyful person release sadness
Grief,  Self care

12 Clever Ways to Help You Release Sadness Today

It is not always so cut and dry when you are navigating the waters of grief and finding your way back to a new normal after loss. The path to finding joy again in life after pet loss (or any traumatic event) often requires you to think outside the box. What works for one person may not work for the next person.

So, when you are feeling sad and looking for strategies to get you back on track, consider these tips I’ll share with you today. Here are 12 clever ways to help you release sadness today.

12 Ways to uplift your mood

1. Take deep breaths. Simple breathing exercises provide relief from extra stress and anxiety. Inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply eases physical symptoms of sadness, like tension headaches or stiffness.

2. Keep a journal. Writing your thoughts down will help you to process them. A journal gives you more chances to spot patterns and reframe your thoughts. Choose a format that works for you and try to write for at least a few minutes each day.

3. Express your creativity. Writing is just one of many options for channeling your sadness. Some studies suggest that sadness fuels creativity by encouraging self-reflection. You may be inspired to draw, paint, or cook. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

4. Accept your feelings. You may have grown up in a family where sadness is considered a weakness or uncomfortable emotions are ignored, hoping they would go away. As an adult, you can make positive changes. Healing begins with acknowledging your feelings.

5. Let yourself cry. Shedding a few tears eliminates toxins and causes hormonal shifts that lower your stress levels and strengthen your immune system. Crying is a healthy part of life. Give yourself permission to cry.

6. Listen to music. There is always a song to fit every occasion and stage in life. When you need quick and easy relief, put together a playlist of songs that lift your spirits. Dance and sing along to your favorite tunes or Top 40 Hits. This is a great mood booster.

7. Work out. Exercise can be a powerful remedy for sadness and even some symptoms of depression. Do you like slow and controlled movements? Try Tai-chi or Yoga. Do you prefer high-intensity training? Consider a HITT workout. Are you an outdoor person? Go for a hike or walk in your neighborhood. Keep things interesting by choosing a variety of activities you love.

8. Practice self-care. Making regular exercise a part of your overall wellness program for dealing with sadness and stress is just one tool. Remember to make your mental and physical health a priority. Eat a balanced diet. Pamper yourself and treat yourself to a spa treatment or manicure. Get enough rest each night and aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night. These are just a few ideas to explore.

9. Connect with a friend. Talk with your loved ones when you’re going through a major setback or your frustrations are piling up. Sharing your concerns helps you put things in perspective and discover new insights or solutions to what troubles you. Be ready to do the same for them.

12 Clever Ways to Help You Release Sadness Today PIN

10. Lend a helping hand. Focusing on others is likely to make you happier. Do volunteer work online or in your local community? Lend a hand to your neighbors and coworkers. Dedicating your time to helping others is a healthy distraction and a great way to make new connections and relationships. You never know if the people and community you serve can return the favor, bring you assistance, and better your life.

11. Spend time with your pet[s]. A large body of research confirms that interacting with animals is less stressful than talking with other humans. You can cheer yourself up by spending quality time with your [other] pet[s]. Take your dog for a walk outside, or give your cat a belly rub. These small actions are guaranteed to help you release sadness little by little.

12. Consider therapy. If your sadness lasts for weeks or interferes with your usual activities, you may be experiencing clinical depression. However, don’t worry. Help is available. Do not hesitate to seek assistance by calling a hotline or reaching out to a support group. Contact your doctor for advice and recommendations to help.

Final Thoughts

Lastly, remember to be gentle and patient with yourself when you’re feeling sad. No one said life was perfect. Life can throw us quite the curveball and lead us on a roller coaster of emotions and experiences. However, using effective coping strategies will help you thrive during dark times and enjoy happier days.

Share your thoughts

Did any of these clever ways to help you release sadness today resonate with you? Would you add anything to this list? Have you suffered from depression? What helped you conquer your sadness? Share your thoughts and leave a comment below.

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