cherub statue
Grief,  Pets

4 Reasons Why I Believe Pets have An Afterlife

We know that from the minute we are born, we start the journey toward our last days. When it comes to our furry friends, we know deep down in our souls that their time is limited, and we will outlive them. It’s something you don’t even think about the minute you sign that adoption paperwork or take that stray dog or cat off the street and welcome them into your home. Then after (hopefully) many years of love and memories, the day comes when your furry family member dies and leaves that hole in your heart.

After all the tears, and mixed emotions of sorrow, anger, and denial, you wonder, “Do pets have an afterlife?” “Do pets go to heaven?”

I know I asked myself these questions, and I have my own opinion and answer. Based on my own experiences with pet loss, here are four reasons why I believe pets do have an afterlife.

1) My Faith

I don’t know about you, but I’m a person of faith. I am a Christian, and although I don’t go to church every Sabbath day, I hold some central principle truths to be valid regardless of the religious sector. In I Corinthians:13, the Bible says, “Love never dies.” To paraphrase from a biblical perspective, “Love knows all things, endures all things, and never dies.” Thinking of this scripture and knowing my experience with true love, I believe this applies to people and pets.

No one who is an animal lover or pet parent will refute that the best example of unconditional love is the one a pet has for their pet parent.

Remembering that point, let’s also think about a person you loved dearly and who passed away in your life. For example, take a grandmother, for instance. I cannot tell you how many times I know of friends raised by a grandparent in their childhood years, and long after the granny has passed away, the grandchild reflects and always says, “I feel she still watches over me.”

See that love shared and experienced never dies; it just changes form in the afterlife – spirit form. That leads me to my next point.

2) My Experience with strange encounters

If you’ve been following my blog, I’ve shared my experience after my cat Dusty passed away when she had to be euthanized. That same night after Dusty passed away, I felt like her energy was alive and well after my husband and I returned from urgent care that fateful evening. I felt that energy in the house hours (and even days) later was overwhelming and had me bawling.

Days after she passed away, I’d experience odd things like cool breezes on my neck, or my husband and I would think that we heard Dusty meow in the house. I would ask myself, “Did I just hear her meow, or was my grief making me crazy?” 

Another time I had a strange encounter occurred when my first cat Precious passed away ten years ago in 2006. She passed away suddenly at eight years old. Within days after her passing, I remember falling asleep on my bed and hearing the bedroom door creak open (as Precious always used to do) and feeling the weight of her paw prints climb up onto the bed. I could feel the weight of her climb up on my chest, just as she used to do before she passed. It was like going through the same motions without the physical form.

I say all this to say that people live and then die, but their spirit lives on. Based on my strange paranormal-like experiences, I think it’s true for our pets. I think our pets do have an afterlife.

3) Pet Mediums

I’m a Christian, but I also realize not everyone may share the same views. So, when my pets passed away, I was looking for answers and validation for my strange experiences.

After checking out a search on YouTube and looking at videos searching for answers, I stumbled across pet medium, Ms. Brent Atwater. If you are curious, you can check out her website and bio here, or she has a YouTube Channel here. Checking out just a few of her videos brought me great comfort and validation for my experiences.

As I mentioned, it’s not my wish to disturb or voluntarily chase “spirits” like an episode of Ghost Adventures, but rather, I just wanted validation for my strange experiences. I wanted some confirmation that I was not going crazy hearing meows in the house.

Because of my faith, I rather just let the dead rest in peace and not partake in connecting with any spirits or anything not of this world. That’s just my preference.

Even though I choose to believe in God, I am open-minded enough to realize; that some people have particular sensitive abilities to connect with spirits not of this world in the physical. Anything is possible, essentially. I found answers, clarity, and comfort through Brent Atwater’s group and videos, so, for that, I’m grateful. I really think that helped in my healing process.

blue sky sunny day at beach

4) One word to remember – “Transition.”

Whether you believe in a religion or not, one word does translate to both ends of the spectrum “Transition.”

If you have a particular faith and believe our physical life ends and your spirit lives on OR you think it’s “lights out” after death, one word applies to both scenarios-Transition.

Essentially our fur babies transition out of their furry bodies and into the spiritual realm or part of a world we cannot see with our eyes or touch with our hands, but regardless we can always still feel the love with all our hearts.


So those are my four reasons why I think pets have an afterlife. I believe only God (and our deceased pets) know for sure, but I sincerely believe that love never dies in my heart of hearts. Our family members that pass on live forever in our hearts and memories, and that love never fades away. It is a permanent fixture in our lives and applies to our furry family members.

We as human beings may not understand everything or have all the answers; however, one thing is constant: change.

And just like we have all learned in science class – energy is neither created nor destroyed. Our souls are like living energy. I think the same of the unconditional love we’ve received from our pets their entire lives. Their love is unconditional, never-ending, and never dies but lives on forever.

Share your thoughts.

What do you think about pets and the afterlife? Have you had any personal experiences? Be sure to comment and share!


4 Reasons Why I Believe Pets have An Afterlife

Originally published October 16, 2016. Updated May 2021.


    • kamirarenee

      I agree! I’m an animal lover quite partial to kitties, but Mr. N has captured my heart since following your blog posts. I sincerely mean that! He’s quite special. He exudes such goodness and confidence. And he’s so cute!

  • Hindy Pearson

    Wonderful post! I believe there is more than this for all of us, pets included. There are just too many stories, experiences, recollections and “knowing” to believe life ends when a body dies, human or animal.

  • Debbie Bailey

    That must have been so hard, but also so comforting to feel Dusty’s energy at home after she passed. I’m not sure what I think happens to our pets when they pass, but that energy has to go somewhere. Even if there isn’t an afterlife in the way we think of it, our beloved pets will forever live in our memories and in the hearts of all who loved them. <3

  • Jana Rade

    I was always on a fence about this, until Jasmine’s passing. We happened to be working with an animal communicator while she was still alive, and I reached out to her after Jasmine’s passing as well.

    • kamirarenee

      Sometimes you are skeptical until you experience it for yourself. Did the animal communicator validate your feelings? Show you something you didn’t expect?

  • Ruth Epstein

    Great post and yes I do believe in afterlife, as when Baby crossed the Rainbow bridge I would lie in bed and feel the bed moving on the side where she slept plus many other little signs. At first I thought I was going crazy till a friend of mine talked to me about it.

    • kamirarenee

      Thank you Ruth,
      I sometimes think I feel that too. It feels like pawprints pressing on the bed sheets between my husband and I (like when Dusty used to do when she was alive. She would climb on the bed and snuggle between us) 🙂 You aren’t crazy!

  • The Daily Pip

    I have had some experiences with several of my pets who have passed away that make me believe that they are still around just in another form. My dog Pip passed in 2013 and since then every time I really need him or my daughter needs him, he gives us signs that he is still around watching over us.

  • Karen

    I absolutely believe our pets have an afterlife. My cat Bo and dog Jessie are with me, in a different form. They’re a big part of my “angel circle” as I like to call it, along with my parents. I get signs pretty regularly that they’re watching over me, I thank them for that support all the time!

    • kamirarenee

      Glad you enjoyed the post even if you’re not quite certain what to think. I appreciate you take the time to read and open to new perspectives. 🙂

  • Dash Kitten Crew

    Thank you for a well balanced and respectful article. You do not dismiss anyone’s thoughts or beliefs, but validate many feelings people have. This is a post that people will be reading for a long time.

    Thank you for a lovely, hopeful, post.

  • Beth

    I like to think that one day I’ll see my loved ones again, and that includes my dogs and birds. I know that when my dad passed away, I hoped he would be reunited with the dogs he loved.

  • Denise Gruzensky

    One of my favorite books on this topic (I read and re-read it for 6 months after Harley crossed the Rainbow Bridge) is “Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates”. A Christian author makes his argument regarding pets and heaven and I LOVE IT!

      • Jeff

        Got myself a post-mortal participation after my beloved sphynx cat passed away.
        Before his passing, I didn’t believed in an afterlife, but it all changed after that.
        It was like how people discribe an NDE.
        I saw, smelled and felt him numerous times after the event.
        His brother, my other beloved sphynx, passed on the 3th of october ’21, just 3 months ago.
        I asked for a sign.
        Not even 24 hours later a giant rainbow appeared.
        A minute later a second rainbow showed up above the other one.
        I can’t wait to be reunited with my soulmates.

        • Admin

          Thanks for sharing your own personal experience with the other side. Yes, many pet parents are unaware there is anything beyond the physical until something happens to them. I’m so sorry for the loss of your two soulmates. They clearly are showing you they are always near and love you still, now, and always.

  • Kitty Cat Chronicles

    I absolutely believe that animals go to heaven. In the book of Matthew, Jesus talks about how God takes care of the birds of the air. God created all creatures of the earth, and I just have a really hard time believing that he would create and care for them all, and then they’re just permanently gone when they die. I’m with you on this one!

  • Cathy Armato

    I had a very weird experience after my cat Maggie had to be put to sleep. It seemed very real to me and I believe her spirit was there. I’ll say one thing, if our pets don’t go where we go after death then I don’t want to go there either – I want to go wherever they are! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, I do believe your cat visited you that night for one last cuddle.

  • Bryn Nowell

    I am a firm believer that our pet’s spirits stay with us when we need them, much like that of humans. Sometimes I get reminders that the pets that have passed on are stopping by to check in on me. Thank you for this post.

  • Robin

    I am also a Christian and I believe that pets have an afterlife. In my personal reading of the Bible, I see that animals play a significant role in a lot of spiritual areas. To name a few: 1) God created the animals before He created us. 2) God himself used the skin of an animal to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. 3) In the age of sacrifice, God allowed the blood of animals to cover the sins of His people. There are plenty more. The human-animal bond is undeniable!

    • kamirarenee

      Hmm you make some interesting ties from the Bible I didn’t consider. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You make some good points and connections. Thank you. 🙂

  • Sweet Purrfections

    I am also a Christian and I believe in an afterlife for our fur children. I had a pastor to tell me he also believed the same thing. For months after losing my previous cat, Praline, I would feel her soft Persian fur brush against my leg and one night I clearly saw her sitting in the hallway looking at me.

  • Timmy

    I had the same experience of Ming climbing onto the bed. She laid next to me as she always did and it was very comforting and I went right to sleep knowing that all was well. Other furs of mine have made themselves known in the house and we shall one day be reunited I am sure
    Pete (TImmys Dad)

    • Kamira Gayle

      That’s so precious to me. Truth be told my husband experienced something similar days after our cat passed. He said it was like having confirmation she was fine on the other side, healthy and whole again. Thanks for sharing your experience. 🙂

  • Linda L

    Lost my beloved cat on October 24th 2019 I feel him here in the house and hear him sometimes hear him sometimes there are times I feel him brush against my leg and no he’s still with me after we buried him I went out to take a picture of his grave I put a bowl of milk down for him when I went out to take the picture it was a light shining on the bowl it look like Angels arms around it I have a photo of it I couldn’t even believe it I think it was his way of telling me he was on the other side and he was okay

    • Kamira Gayle

      Thanks for sharing your own personal story. I’m so sorry your for loss of your beloved cat. I believe it!! I can relate to similar feelings like you with something brushing against my skin too. That’s amazing you were able to capture those orbs of light by his bowl. I think you are right about that…they are on the other side but still close by us forever. Sending you only positive vibes and prayers for comfort during this time. Thanks for taking the time to read my content too!

  • Liz

    I just read your post. I had to have my cats put down 24 hours ago and my heart is broken. I haven’t been able to muster the energy to pick up their kitty dishes or pack away the insulin yet let alone stop crying. I have the same belief that you do. I truly believe their spirits will be with me. I pray that they will be waiting for me when I arrive in heaven and that they will love and forgive me. Thank you for giving me a teeny bit of solace during this hellishly painful time.

    • Admin

      You are very welcome. I’m glad this post resonated with your heart and I’m so sorry for the loss of your cats. They are our fur angels and may their spirit live on forever. Sending you only comforting vibes and healing.

        • Admin

          I understand. Grief has no time limit and everyone processes grief on their own time. I’m sorry for the loss of your cat. I hope reading my content helps you.

    • Gretchen A Meyer

      My cat had to be euthanised after 20+ years on 10/11/21. I never knew I could cry that hard. I still have teary moments every day. He was my best friend, always by my side, my little shadow and I am so lost without him. I watch the videos I have of him and talk to him to try to fill that empty void I now have. I know a piece of my heart went with him that night and the loneliness I now feel consumes me. Your post gave me comfort to know that I am not alone and my feelings are not ridiculous. Thank you

      • Admin

        First I’m so sorry for your loss of your heart cat. I understand 100% your feelings. What a blessing to have shared 20+ years together. You are not alone and your feeling are valid. Never feel bad to continue to speak your cat’s name and talk to them. I truly believe they are always around us in spirit. I still speak of my cat Dusty’s name often. Take it one day at a time. Sending you only positive vibes. xoxo