Monday Inspiration #65 – Look at what you have in life.
Life is a funny thing.
I always say if there is one thing you can count on in life, it is the unexpected and constant change. As you know life can give you ultimate highs and also devastating lows. Despite everything, I think it’s important to have a sense of gratitude despite everything. Often times the most difficult experiences we deal with help to make us stronger individuals.
In an ideal world, challenging times help shape and mold us into better human beings. In my experience I think this is true, however it is not true for everyone. Do you know people in life that are always pessimistic and never satisfied? They could receive all the comforts of life and not need for a thing, yet find something to complain about.

This brings me to my point about having gratitude. Life may not be perfect and no you may not have everything you want, but it’s important to have gratitude in life. That fact that we are blessed to wake up each day is a gift. The alternative is to have no life at all. Remember there is someone else in the world that has if far worse than you.
So with that said, take a moment to remember to look at what you have in life. Don’t focus on all that you don’t have. Be grateful. You’ll find more joy and happiness that way.
Does today’s inspirational quote resonate with you? Are you an optimist ? Do you know anyone that could use a fresh attitude towards life? Share your comments below. Don’t forget to share and pin this post!
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