…But it’s just a cat?
After suffering pet loss you hear some of the most outlandish things from people. Does this phrase resonate with you? I bet it does. Some statements would just leave me speechless. In my own experience, I’ve been the recipient of those insensitive words that are meant to somehow comfort us, yet feel like a stab straight to the heart. What makes this even worse is when it comes from close family, friends and peers you communicate with everyday.
Unfortunately, not everyone understands that our pets are family. Even many pet owners regard their pets as just companion animals and nothing more. I will never understand it, however that’s not my path. Everyone has their own journey and different level of compassion and empathy. I just wish people used more common sense and empathy when addressing a bereaved pet parent and friend. At the end of the day a friend or family member who values you should have respect for the people and beings YOU value too.
Sadly, that just doesn’t always happen. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard people express the double heartache and betrayal felt when someone close to them, expresses their thoughts about the loss of their pet in such an insensitive manner (to put it lightly). If you missed my post called 5 Things you should not say to a grieving pet parent, you can check it out here.
Here are just a few examples I’ve heard before. Have you heard any of the following statements after losing a pet?
- So when are you going to get another pet? (when only a week has passed by since your pet died)
- Well, they live short lives anyway…(That doesn’t make the pain hurt any less. Would you say the same about a sickly child that died?)
- It’s just a cat/dog/etc. though…you can get another, right? (My pets are family, not a T- shirt with a 30 day refund & exchange policy)
- Are you still sad over their death? Shouldn’t you be over it by now? (Since when does grief have a time limit?)
If you have, then I’m sure you can appreciate this special blog post!
They are not just a pet. They are family! : Art edition
As a reader of my blog, you know that I love animals (especially partial to cats) and also like creating art! I love to paint and also explore my graphic design skills. Well this time, I wanted to share with you some new Canva designs I created using their free templates. If you are not familiar with them, check out their website here. It’s a great website and resource to create your own graphics and designs using easy drag and drop features. They have both free templates and paid membership for access to a whole host of additional features.
I find it’s a great way to explore my creativity and also if you are a blogger, Canva is great tool to create great vertical pin-able images for your blog posts.
Using my own experience as a source of inspiration, I created the following designs. Let me know which one is your favorite!
Did you enjoy this post? Are you a fan of all things creative? You’ll love some of my other art inspired posts below!
My 2019 Spring Art update…What’s new?
10 Must have budget friendly art essentials for painting!
Lastly, if you wish you could have any of these designs for yourself, you can! Browse and shop my designs on my Redbubble shop! You can click on any of the images above and below or see my portfolio of works here!
Enjoy! Don’t forget to share this post with a friend or pin for later!

Have you ever encountered insensitive comments about your pets before? What did you do? Did you like these designs? Which one is your favorite? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Originally published Sept 4, 2019. Updated Nov. 18, 2020