* A special guest post by CPC Cares – ‘Provider of Pet Cremation Services for bereaved pet owners with sensitivity and respect’.
Tails vs. Tales: Separating fact from fiction
We all know that there are myths about cats and dogs; such as you can’t teach an old dog new tricks or that black cats are unlucky. We recommend that before you open your home to a pet cat or dog that you do your research. The following blog will provide some extra guidance as getting a cat or dog will undoubtedly change your life…. but we hope it’s for the better!

Dog Facts:
No dog is un-trainable – Some breeds of dog may be harder to train than others; but if you have patience and time you will both get there. Dogs can be as smart as a 2 or 3 year old child.
Having a dog can be beneficial to your health:
- Dog companionship can decrease stress levels,
- Lower blood pressure,
- Improves mood, and
- Helps people to socialize
The list goes on really.
You’re more resistant to allergies. Growing up with a dog in the house makes children less likely to develop allergies over the course of their lives.
With the routine of taking your dog for a walk you will get more exercise.
Dog Tales:
You can’t have a dog and a baby. It’s not true that you can’t keep a dog and have a child. While it may require a lot of work to ensure your dog accepts the new addition to the family; it isn’t impossible.
Aren’t you worried about the dog biting you or family members? All dogs can bite; but most dogs will give plenty of warning before taking such drastic action. It is important to know what the signs are that your dog is about to bite and to never leave children unsupervised around children. Remember most bites or snaps are done as a warning or a defense mechanism so step away, assess the situation and remove yourself.

Cat Facts:
No cats are not inherently bad luck, but the poor black cat is “unlucky”. It’s a very sad fact that black cats are not as wanted as their more colorful brothers and sisters. The Cats Protection Organization has estimated that they have 23% more black cats to re-home. They take, on average, a week longer to find their forever homes.
Another very upsetting statistic shows that black cats are more likely to suffer abuse during the Halloween season than at any other time of the year.
So have a thought for black cats as they offer the same benefits to their owners as other varieties:
- Owning a cat can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by a third.
- A cat’s brain is 90% similar to a human’s — more similar than to a dog’s.
- Cats have a longer-term memory than dogs, especially when they learn by actually doing rather than simply seeing.
Cat Tales
‘Cats don’t care about humans’. Well this simply isn’t true; anyone who has owned cats will tell you the bond between humans and cats can be incredibly strong.
‘Pregnant women can’t live with cats’ – Toxoplasmosis is risky for a fetus; BUT pregnant women are more likely to catch it from handling raw meat or digging in the garden than they are from their cat. You can limit your exposure to toxoplasmosis by emptying the litter box daily; either using rubber gloves and mask or having someone else do it.
‘Cat’s ‘steal’ the breath of babies’. As cats are comfort and warmth seekers curling up to a newborn or baby is ideal for them, not for the baby. Bundled up infants that are too young to turn away or push a cat off themselves can have their breathing compromised. A simple solution is to keep cats out of the nursery and away at nap and bed times.
We advise to always do your research before getting a pet. Speak to local vets, look things up online from reliable sources. You may find that the pet that best suits you and your lifestyle may not be the initial breed you were hoping for. So unless you’ve got a flexible lifestyle maybe you should be open to a different breed.
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There are a number of Tails vs. Tales that exist. There are also thousands of homeless animals in kill shelters around the world hoping to be rescued from their grim fate and find their forever home. If you are looking to get a new cat, dog or other tails to the family, consider adopting from your local animal shelter and help save a life.
Comment and share your thoughts below. Have you encountered any Tails vs. Tales in your life? Can you remember a tale you have heard about pets?