
The World’s greatest Architects offer some Creative Advice


Today’s blog post is dedicated to all the creatives out there that need some inspiration and a boost. It’s not always easy to find inspiration and words of wisdom, however today you are in luck. Here are some inspiring and insightful words from some of the world’s greatest architectural minds to boost your creativity.

The World’s greatest Architects offer some Creative Advice

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The combination of art and functionality that architecture displays is a direct reflection of the complexity of the field. From sketching schematic designs to determining a building’s spatial form, architects have a diverse and challenging profession. People that have been successful in the specific role require patience, diligence, and originality; these are all qualities that anyone in the creative industry might aspire to learn more about. To help creatives of all kinds learn from architects, here’s a list of expert advice from famous architects across the globe.

With jobs that require creativity and juggling various projects, it’s normal to have days where you don’t feel your creative juices flowing. A common piece of advice circulating the quotes was to write out your ideas and stick to them, regardless of external influences. While others may try to set a limit on the endless possibilities that you can achieve, that shouldn’t be the path you take for yourself. With this idea in mind, here are some of the notable architects mentioned along with the advice they offer.


  1. Frank Lloyd Wright shared that no matter how big or small the project is, your work is important.

  2. Sharon Davis explained that her creative journey was risky and different, but in the end, that aspect could’ve been the reason for its success.

  3. Alberto Campo Baeza focused on the entirety of the project instead of the little mistakes throughout.

  4. Zaha Hadid believed that thinking outside of the box without following the guidelines sometimes is necessary in a creative world.

  5. David Chipperfield stated that if you delegate a large portion of time on something, it’ll result in success no matter what.

Just like all other forms of art, architects have designed pieces that help establish cultural trends from around the globe. Specifically, architects create buildings and landscapes that millions of people see or enter every day. Whether you are creative at work or at home, there is an appreciation for art in all forms and the innovation behind the projects. The quotes below from the well-known architects can serve as inspiration for your next creative endeavor.

The following infographic is courtesy of 


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