Monday Inspiration # 26

Life is too short to be miserable.
As pet parents we know all too well that our pets lives are way too short. Their time here is limited and not guaranteed; just like us! If there is one instrumental thing our pets demonstrate when they are living is the ability to live life in the moment and truly love and enjoy life daily. We as humans should really take notes from our pets. Many of us are in job positions we hate or relationships where we are barely surviving.
This is one life lesson I have learned over the past year. After dedicating 12 years of my life to a job industry that did not fulfill my passion, I grew tired, restless and unfulfilled. (You can learn more about why I left my job in this post called Lessons learned the day I left my day job and met one special fan. Be sure to give it a read. You may find you can relate.)
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Moment of clarity
So, when is enough enough? My light bulb moment came when I truly listen to my intuition and started paying attention to my mind and body connection. As soon as you see yourself change mentally, physically and spiritually you know there is a change that must happen. A year ago I chose to leave my corporate job to feed my passions and take a chance.
Today, I’m not at the pinnacle of where I want to be, however I am definitely on the right path to getting there and have no regrets. I made the choice to stop existing and start living my life in a way that fuels my passions and find meaningful work that makes a difference.
With that said, I found today’s Monday Inspirational quote by Maya Angelou articulates this perfectly. Does this quote resonate with you? Are you surviving or thriving? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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