Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #61 – Take the first step.

first step

Monday Inspiration #61 – Take the first step.

I recently came across this quote and found it so suitable for life in so many ways. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” – Lao Tzu

Whether you are in the process of healing after loss, trying to lose weight, starting over in a new relationship or just searching to change your circumstance, this quote is so fitting. Anything worthwhile takes time and effort. In the grand scheme of things, some of our greatest desires and dreams take a lot of effort and time.

One thing that I have come to understand is that life won’t change unless you do. You can wish and dream and complain about change, but nothing will get you there faster than taking that first step of action forward. Hence this quote captures this perfectly.

My own journey

In my own personal journey to healing after loss, I knew that I had to get out of my own depression and sadness or it would overtake me. So how did I find a way to lighter days? I decided to give my time and give back by volunteering. Taking that first step, gave me a new strength I didn’t know I had. And seeing those sweet faces at the animal clinic brought renewed joy and smiles to my face once again. This all took time and repetition. Change didn’t happen overnight, but taking that first step towards a better day started with me.

Fast forward a thousand miles or my equivalent of four years, and I’m finally at a place where I’m ready to welcome another furkid into my home. It took TIME but I made it through the storm to the other side.

If you want your life to change and be different, you have to try something different.

If you read my recent posts, you know I’m recovering from a knee injury. So one of my personal goals includes gaining strength and fitness. If you are like me, I’m notorious for starting and stopping my fitness regime. Being injured and restricted to no vigorous exercise, I’m very limited with options.

Will I use that as an excuse to quit? Nope! So what actions am I taking? I’m doing my best to eat clean, incorporate some intermittent fasting and doing simple yoga. I’m improving week to week. Is my healing going fast? Nope.

However I see positive changes week to week. That’s all I can ask for. I took the action to make that step and the results are there. As I gain strength I’m able to try alternate modified exercise routines, like seated cardio. I have a long journey ahead of me but at least I’ve taken that first step.

What’s your journey?

How about you? Do you have a long term goal you need to actively work on? Did this quote resonate with you today? Share your thoughts below!

If you enjoyed this inspirational content, be sure to check out my other post

5 Inspirational Books that gave me the courage to live my best life!