Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #62 : Make a brand new ending.


monday inspiration new ending

Monday Inspiration #62: Make a brand new ending to your story.

Today’s inspirational quote really resonated with me on so many levels. As a person that has been the underdog in many situations I found this quote very fitting. If you are like me, I was not born into a life of privilege with a silver spoon in my mouth. I’ve always had to work very hard for everything I’ve achieved. Admittedly, sometimes I’ve worked harder and not smarter to accomplish some goals. However, with time and dedication, I’ve accomplished many personal goals. And I did it on my own. I did not let the fact that I had fewer resources than some others, define me. You do the best with the resources you have. And if you don’t have many resources, go out and find them.

Don’t allow your limitations to solidify your future aspirations. If you don’t know something, learn. If you need healing, get the help.

Your life won’t change unless you do.

This is one thing I’m very passionate about by starting this blog. I know so many pet parents grieve the loss of their furkids and don’t know how to get “unstuck” out of that place of depression. I’m here to tell you, “Yes, you can smile again.” I hope sharing my experiences and journey has truly helped bring you validation and comfort for your feelings.

Our pets are family. I’d like to think they are angels with fur. Honestly, you know in your heart of hearts that your furry family members live to see you smile and that same desire does not change when they are gone. The love always remains. I think that’s why the pain hurts so. There are brighter days ahead.

I have experienced a lot of different hurdles in my life. I’ve experienced love, loss, heartbreak and love again and everything in between. Is this you? Have you experienced any of the following? Heartbreak? Pet loss? Disappointment? Tragedy? Breakups? Injuries?  I know I have.

There are so many examples of disappointments and dreams lost that one can experience. However the good news is that, your history and everything that has happened, does not have to dictate the trajectory of your future. You can rewrite your story and have a happy ending.


Final thoughts.

Let this be an inspirational word of encouragement that although today is difficult, this too shall pass. You can make the necessary changes in your present to alter the future you have tomorrow. No matter what your journey is, tomorrow can be a better day! Small changes in your present can drastically change your future.

Nothing of value happens in an instant. It takes growth. Plant a seed of what you want and feed that dream or goal everyday. Over time you’ll find you have a forest full of dreams accomplished and goals conquered. Never let anyone dictate your future by the negative narrative they may tell you. You are the author of your own story.

Remember, what has happened in the past needs to remain back there…in the past. Everyday we wake up is a chance to grow, learn and change for the better. The best way to get back at naysayers in life is being successful. And by successful, I mean finding your own happiness. That may look like working in your dream job or it may look like traveling the world. Everyone’s definition of happiness differs.

So, are you ready to change the narrative of your future? Did this post resonate with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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monday inspiration new ending