Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #64 – Live your life for you!


Monday Inspiration  – Live your life for you, not others.

I was listening to some inspirational content online and this life lesson came up more than once. In particular, one of the speakers, Gary Vanerchuck, recanted his experience in his youth taking time to visit nursing homes. To paraphrase, he said it’s only when you are in your twilight years that you actually take the time to reflect upon your life and think about regrets.

Life Regrets

One of the most popular regrets of people before they transition is living a life to please others. Living a life to keep up with the Jones’ or living a life to please others was their biggest regrets. Second, choosing to forsake their dreams for a predictable life was another regret. Thirdly, never getting the chance to tell another loved one their true feelings was another regret. 

These are just a few regrets mentioned but I’m sure there are so many other regrets people have when they reflect upon their life. One thing I do not regret is raising my two girl cats Precious and Dusty. I wish I had more time with them, but also cherished every moment and am so grateful to be their mom and learn so many life lessons in the process.


My personal journey

Thinking about my own life, I can’t say I have any regrets other than failing to stick to a consistent workout routine. I promised myself I would do so at the start of the year, but then again, the year is not over yet! I have had some obstacles along the way but still manage to make small changes like starting yoga (for more than just health but rehabilitation) and focusing on cooking meals from home.

You can never put a value on your own health. That’s one thing I know for sure. And finding your own happiness shouldn’t be dictated by the opinions of others. Don’t waste time living someone else’s life. You life is yours to live, so just be your authentic self. At the end of the day, when you reach your twilight years, do you want to be able to say I lived my life for them or I lived my life for me on my own terms?

Has this post inspired you today?  Do you have an regrets? Share in the comments below. What would you like to do differently to change the course of your life?

If you enjoyed this post, check out my other inspirational posts:

Monday Inspiration # 54 – Life Lessons

5 Inspirational books that gave me the courage to live my best life

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