Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #67 – Learn from your past.

#lifelessons #learn #impurrfectlife

Monday Inspiration #67 – Learn from your past.

Happy Monday. It’s the last Monday of 2019 and I thought this inspirational quote for today should focus on reflection. I stumbled upon this quote online and it stopped me in my tracks. It’s very fitting, don’t you think?

My interpretation of this quote above is to Learn from your past and live for your future. It’s only when we have lived and learned from our mistakes of the past that we learn our lessons. And a constant life lesson that always remains true is to live in the present and be hopeful for your future because tomorrow is not promised.

Learning to not stay stuck

It’s important to not live in the past but make every effort to heal from traumas or experiences of the past so you don’t have that bad energy lingering and holding over your future. Try to accept that which you cannot change and when you are emotionally and physically balanced, you can have a much better quality of life.

We are all works in progress. That’s why I always say this is my Impurrfectlife. It’s not perfect. I’ve had to find my own ways to healing but have learned many lessons along the way.

Lessons Learned in 2019

Over the past year, I’ve learned that helping cats through fostering has helped to not only heal my heart but finally allowed me to realize I’m ready to adopt again.

Also, I suffered a knee injury this year which is still on the mend. I suffered a set back that delayed my recovery. So learning to have more patience with myself has been key. Going through this experience has taught me to take more time for me and practice self-care.

Lastly, sharing my content with you has brought validation and comfort to you and me. I’ve also learned that my Impurrfectlife readers enjoy and desire more expanded content like my inspirational posts, life updates, posts about making money from home as well as more grief-related posts.

My intention has always been to share and help others through my story. I’m happy to have fulfilled some of my goals thus far. I have much more to learn and share going into 2020. I hope you’ll continue this ride with me.

Taking a hiatus!

With that said, I’m taking some time off for self-care and rest. I’ll be making plans to expand my content next year. I’m excited to share a new side of Impurrfectlife.

I wish you a very Happy and healthy New Year ahead. See you all in 2020!

How would you interpret today’s life quote? What lessons have you learned in 2019? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Check out more of my content below:

My Top 10 blog posts for 2019!

15 Things I’ve learned after three years of blogging

10 Life lessons my cats taught me about life

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