Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #73 – 3 Methods to Wisdom

#wisdom #confucius #lifequote #impurrfectlife

Monday Inspiration #73 – 3 Methods to Wisdom

Through our life’s journey, we learn some important values along the way. Many of these values include knowing the importance of life, love, health, and happiness. Additionally, another value many hold dear is that of wisdom. I’m not necessarily talking about formal education, but rather understanding there is value is gaining knowledge and wisdom in several ways.

Today’s inspirational quote illustrates my point perfectly. To paraphrase the words of Confucious, we gain wisdom by three methods – reflection,  imitation, and experience. I can testify to all these methods. Many of you that have followed my blog understand many of the lessons I’ve learned and shared on this blog through experience and reflection. If you missed some of those lessons, check out the following posts below. Also, we gain wisdom by making an effort on our part to search for knowledge.

As time passes and I get older, I find this more important than ever. In my opinion, the day you think you cannot learn anything new is the day you stop living and learning. With today’s challenges and living through a pandemic, we now understand what it means to alter how we live our lives, learn to adapt and take in new knowledge and ways to stay connected and communicate.

In conclusion, to live life is to do our best to get through every day with zest and passion. While we are on this life journey it’s essential to continue to learn and grow along the way. Many methods of how we operate and learn are drastically changing. Although alarming at first, we as humans learn to adapt. We are much more resilient than we realize.

Share your thoughts. Did this quote resonate with you today? What’s the greatest piece of advice you’ve received? Share in the comments below.

Check out some of my other posts!

15 Lessons learned after 24 months of blogging

10 Life lessons my cats taught me about life

Why I had to quit…a lesson in putting myself first