Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #89 Focus on healing to come back stronger.

focus on healing #Mondaymotivation #focusonhealing #quotes

Monday Inspiration #89 Focus on healing to come back stronger.

This quote really resonated with me on multiple levels. I just wrote a post last week about a new year and having new goals for 2021. Whenever we have come through challenges, be it the death of a pet, a pandemic we endure mental trauma. However, it’s in this time of ultimate challenge that our inner strength and ability to persevere is tested.

Think of every experience be it good or bad as a lesson and a chance at a new start. We may not be able to change what has happened but do have the ability to determine how we respond. Essentially by focusing on your healing and renewing your inner strength, you can come back stronger than before.

Personally, the death of my heart cat Dusty left me absolutely crushed and heartbroken. However, it was through that personal pain I decided to make some life-changing decisions. I decided to focus my energy on helping others and animals through volunteer work. Secondly, I decided to share my journey to healing with others through blogging in hopes my words would connect with other bereaved pet parents.

Both of these experiences changed my life in a positive way. Not only did focusing on healing helped to heal my heart, but I also gained friendships and connections and grew as a person.

Share your thoughts

So let me know in the comments. How do you focus on healing after pet loss? What have you done to help yourself heal and get to a stronger place mentally? Do you journal? Do you practice meditation? Share your insight.


  • Renee

    After my pet died I had my family and friends as a support but also journaling helped me. Also keeping my cat’s old collar as a keepsake was something special to keep close to my heart.

    • Admin


      I’m happy to learn you had a good support system. It’s so helpful when grieving and healing. I did the same with my cat’s collar and kept it too. Thanks for sharing your insight.