12 Ways to reduce stress while stuck at home
Whether you work from home, are recovering from an illness, or any other reason, if you are stuck at home you may find yourself feeling stressed and depressed. If you are struggling with these feelings, you will be pleased to learn that there are many things you can do to help reduce your stress, uplift your mood, and increase your productivity on important tasks.
Use this guide whenever you feel like stressful feelings are getting the best of you. Below is a list of 12 Ways to reduce stress while stuck at home. Let us take a look at these ideas to help you get started.
1. Get some exercise.
Those who exercise regularly are less likely to experience anxiety than those who do not. Exercise releases feel-good endorphins enhances your sleep quality and can help increase your confidence.
2. Light a scented candle.
Certain scents can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Lavender, sandalwood, and geranium have all been shown to offer these benefits.
3. Cut your caffeine intake.
Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks. It can also cause anxiety in high doses. If you experience symptoms such as jitteriness or anxiety, consider cutting back on your intake.
4. Pray/ Meditate.
It is amazing when you can tune out the noise and focus on listening to that inner voice inside you. Take time to pray and meditate. Take 5 minutes out of your day to center yourself and focus inward. There is power in words and power in prayer. If you are looking for a place to start check out these spiritual quotes to meditate on.
5. Spend more time with family and friends.
Your family and friends can offer you support in times of need, so it is important that you keep them close to you. Research has found that spending time with friends can help release oxytocin, which helps to relieve stress. Call them on the phone or video-chat regularly.
6. Laugh.
Spending some time out of your day to laugh can go a long way to relieving stress. It helps to relieve tension by relaxing your muscles and can also strengthen your immune system and uplift your mood.
7. Learn when you should say no.
Often you will find yourself stressed because you have taken on too many responsibilities. Sometimes it is better to be more selective about what you agree to do. You do not want to feel cornered into doing something you are not fully invested in. Saying no relieves you of this stress in the end.
8. Avoid procrastination.
If you put off doing important tasks, you could find yourself getting stressed and having to scramble to complete those tasks before the deadline. Instead of trying to multitask, make a list of your tasks and do them in order of importance. You will reduce stress and enjoy greater productivity.
9. Practice mindfulness.
Whether you take a yoga class or try some self-meditation, if you practice mindfulness and focus on the present rather than the past or future, you will see a reduction in anxiety and not feel so overwhelmed.
10. Listen to relaxing music.
Certain types of music can lower your blood pressure and heart rate and may help to reduce stress hormones too. Slow-paced instrumental music works well, but classical, Soul, Jazz, and R&B music can also be soothing.
11. Practice deep breathing.
The aim of deep breathing is to slow your breathing and make it deeper. This process will bring more oxygen to your body’s cells, relax your muscles, slow your heart rate, and leave you feeling more peaceful and relaxed. Yoga is great place to start if you are new to deep breathe work.
12. Spend time with your pet.
When you interact with a pet, your body releases oxytocin, a chemical that uplifts your mood. Plus, having a pet will give you a purpose, help to keep you active and provide you with companionship – which all can reduce stress. There is nothing like giving belly rubs and listening to the soothing sound of purrs to help lift your mood and lower stress levels.
While stress can easily occur at home, there are plenty of methods you can use to address it. Make a habit of practicing these strategies whenever you feel stressed, and soon you will find that you can subdue it just as easily as it arises.
Share your thoughts. Did any of these tips resonate with you? Do you practice any of these strategies when you are stressed out? Leave a comment with your thoughts below.
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