• Inspirational Quotes,  Life

    Monday Inspiration #19 – Let your tears water the seeds for your future!

    Monday Inspiration #19 

    Have you ever heard that saying, “That which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger?” Well today’s inspirational post essentially falls along those same lines. We live this imperfect life and have encountered many obstacles, struggles and challenges. Sometimes we don’t even know if we’ll make it through the storm. However, I’d like to think more often than not we learn we are stronger than we realize and are made better human beings for it. 

    So when you are in the thick of the storm, remember, you are human and it is okay to cry, vent, learn and forgive in order to free yourself and move forward. When you are in your twilight years looking back at your life, you’ll be able to say, “Dang! I did that and made it through.” Does this Monday inspirational quote resonate with you? Can you recall a time when you didn’t think you would make it through a tumultuous time, but actually survived? 

    Share your experiences in the comments below. Your testimony could help inspire someone else.

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