As I type this post I cannot believe four years have passed since starting my blog. I can remember the day I thought about starting a blog. I had recently lost my heart cat Dusty and was yearning to find a way of expressing my flood of emotions and pain in a creative space. Maybe sharing my journey would help someone else on their healing journey post pet loss. I had never started a blog before but with a positive mindset, solid work ethic and creative juices flowing I decided to go for it. This year I celebrate my 4-year blogaversary and must thank all my readers and supporters for taking time out of your day to read my content every week. I’m going to share with you 8 lessons I learned after 4 years of blogging.
1. You are going to evolve and your blog will too.
Change is good
I have changed a lot over the past four years and naturally my views on life and other aspects have too. I have different priorities now in 2020 as compared to 2016. Just as I have grown over the years my blog has evolved too.
Impurrfectlife started out as a space to discuss my experience dealing with pet loss and the path to finding healing. Over time, I used many ways to find joy in my life to help me heal. So naturally sharing my local travel and foster adventures, paintings and inspiring quotes started to catch the attention of my audience.
Sharing different content apart from pet loss was a welcome change as many of you expressed. Delving into the various aspects of life and sharing those experiences really resonated with you all. This made me realize that change is good and people yearn for new and relevant content.
Another lesson learned over the past couple of years is the importance of use of images and video.
I understand that content is king and writing exceptional content is important however we are also visual creatures. The popularity of apps like Instagram and Pinterest made me realize that visuals are just as important to readers.
People like to look at aesthetically pleasing images that are bright, colorful, and plentiful.
Secondly, video format is one of the fastest mediums for people to get access to news and information and shows no signs of slowing down.
I know from my own experience I’m a big fan of YouTube to do research and get information. It’s quick and easy and user friendly.
Some people learn best by audio and others learn best with visuals. I know I learn best using both methods.
With video format gaining traction, it has made me realize that I want to incorporate more video content on the blog going forward.
Scheduling posts
Part of growing as a blogger you learn tips and tricks to make sharing content easier. After I had decided to take a hiatus earlier this year, I knew I wanted to repurpose some content and schedule publishing posts a month in advance.
Learning to use scheduling features on certain social platforms and through my email notification alerts made sharing content a breeze. It is just a matter of setting the date and time and schedule.
Scheduling posts in advance to publish helps me save time and energy to focus on other things.
As a person who is an artist and creative, I’d like to think I have a good eye for what looks aesthetically pleasing. One of the joys and challenges of creating a blog has been choosing the right theme for my blog.
In addition to theme, I had to use trial and error to develop a blog that was reflective of who I am but was also easy to navigate and read. I’m happy with how my blog looks and anytime I feel the need to change things a bit, I know I have the capability to do so.
2. Analytics is not just about the numbers.
When I first started blogging, I thought analytics and number of followers were everything. Boy was I wrong! What I have come to learn is as a blogger I can have thousands of followers but not get anything back other than likes.
I was so ignorant to this fact and felt so naïve. At the same time I have learned that one can make a return on investment with just a fraction of followers. It can be done.
I’ll share a few ways I have learned to make income from blogging in a little bit.
At the end of the day, the number of followers you have and page likes is not fulfilling your purpose.
It does not mean as much as understanding you are growing and evolving. Numbers are not everything, but rather a guide to gauge growth.
3. Know what is your WHY.
Personal healing
One of the greatest lessons I continue to be reminded about is my WHY. My purpose in starting this blog was out of a desire for myself to find healing and share that journey with other grieving pet parents.
Over the past four years, I have found my healing and realized that my WHY or purpose for this blog has evolved and changed.
My motivation has grown beyond just myself but to help others find validation and healing on their own path. I’d like to think my blog helps other realize they are not alone in their healing journey. Others can find inspiration, joy and laughs in my varied content.
Additionally, with the recent changes in the workplace and what remote work can offer others, I know my long term goal is continue to work on my blog full time.
When you do what you love every day, can you really call it work?
Listen to your readers
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned over the past four years is the importance of listening to your readers.
If it were not for my supporters of Impurrfectlife, I would not have continued my Monday Inspiration posts or Flashback Friday posts.
Taking heed to your viewers feedback is so helpful. It is a great guide to also help guide and remind you that you are on the right track.
4. Finding ways to monetize your blog will change over time. It’s not easy!
Like many other bloggers I have (and continue to find) many ways to make money online. Some work better than others, however all these methods take work and dedication.
The following list of monetizing options are just a few ways I’ve learned to make money through blogging.
Google Adsense
One of the first ways I learned about earning income was through signing up for Google Adsense. Honestly, this method only earned me a few cents here and there. It’s really hard to earn as it’s based on page views and clicks on ads.
Have I earned? Sure. But it took me a very long time to earn my first $100. This leads me to another avenue I discovered.
Affiliate/referral links
Earning money online through affiliate links is a little bit easier. It’s still hard however many affiliate programs you can sign up for free. You can earn a small percentage from sales other consumers make by using a link you share.
From Amazon and Walmart to Appen, there several companies that offer affiliate programs where you can make small commissions from others purchases online. It’s just a matter of doing the research and asking.
The only challenge I have experienced in earning significant income are every changing rules regarding percentages and commissions and also the ability to frequently post/share your links on social media in addition to the blog. The competition for people’s attention is very high, so again, you have to think of other means of creating income.
Reviews/Sponsored/Guest posts/Ad space
A third avenue I have tried is acquiring free products and goods in exchange for a blog review post. I never write a review on a product unless it’s something I personally have used, believe in or think others would find useful.
I also have learned others are willing to pay for sponsored posts to be featured on your blog for a rate as well. This can be tricky because you have to be mindful of complying with FCC rules too.
Lastly, my preferred method is selling ad space on your log or accepting guest posts. Guest posting is a great avenue to get your content shared and grow your blog as a new blogger. And for established bloggers, accepting guest posts from other writers is a great way to expand and diversify content.
Accepting guest posts related to my niche is a great way to keep my overall blog content fresh and new while also building relationships with other bloggers.
5. Create products
When I created my blog and fell into my groove of writing content I always knew I wanted to expand. When I started to share my paintings and designs I began to get inquiries about selling my art. How can I do that and keep inventory? What about handling customer service and inquires?
It was at this time I had to find a way to share my art with the world, but make it work for my hectic lifestyle. Hence, I found and created the Impurrfectlife Art Studio. There you can find my growing portfolio of original painting reproductions and art designs I make in Canva.
All my designs are available on apparel, stationary, home décor and accessories. Redbubble allows me the freedom to just create and the company takes care of the production, printing, customer service and inventory. All artists get a commission.
Creating another income stream using my creativity was important to me.
This is one of the more successful avenues I have created and have semi-consistent sales every month.

E Books
A second avenue I am exploring is digital content. This year I have started to create an e-book collection. So far, I have my free e-guide available for download here.
Digital products and services are increasing in popularity, especially in the 21st century. With the increase in the use of digital streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, and audiobook services like Audible, I understand that people are ditching the paperbacks and texts and want immediate access to valuable content and products online.
This year it is my goal to add to my e-book collection and offer my audience valuable content at a very affordable price.
6. Stay the course because your readers want you to succeed.
Don’t give up and stay the course.
Secret fans
I have a confession to make ya’ll. Sometimes I can get discouraged.
Are my words really touching people’s lives? Is my content falling on deaf ears? Sometimes I feel this way and think, “There are no comments or shares, perhaps this post was pointless?”
But just when I start to doubt myself, I get confirmation someone out there is listening. Someone out there is feeling what I’m dishing out.
How do I know? I have secret fans. Who are they?
I have no idea. But my from time to time when I share my posts on social platform, I will get notified with a random message to “Keep up the good work!”
Sometimes it’s validation from a grieving pet parent who can relate to my journey and just wanted to send a quick message to say “Thanks for sharing your story. I’ve been reading your blog for a while.”
That makes me feel good. All this effort is not all for naught. My readers help keep me motivated to stay the course.
Inspire others
One of the more rewarding lessons I’ve learned after blogging for four years is understanding that my words have value. A kind word makes a difference.
Sharing my pain helps another heal their pain. Being vulnerable and candid is more appealing because it’s authentic.
I continue this journey because I know part of my life path is to inspire others some way or another. And that makes me feel good and is so fulfilling.
7. There will always be setbacks to success
This year in 2020 has been one for the record books. Politics aside, we have discovered COVID19, learned to adapt to wearing masks in public, discovered social distancing, and worst of all lost hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide.
During this time we have been reminded of the importance of self-care, access to healthcare for all, the value of showing kindness, and the best of humanity. We have seen the good, bad, and ugly in 2020 and we are not quite finished yet.
Like blogging, we are learning to adapt to new changes and challenges. I have learned to be more resourceful and grateful.
Unexpected loss
As if a pandemic was not enough, I have also experienced the loss of my mother this summer unexpectedly. Although she was living with a lung condition, her time here was cut shorter than our family could have possibly anticipated.
When blogging I understand that you will encounter the unexpected and things happen but you need to take time to process, acknowledge, and get back up.
After taking a small hiatus, I have learned to do just that. As a wife, daughter, sister, and friend I have learned telling your loved ones how you feel every day is not to be taken for granted.
I am so grateful I learned this vital lesson NOT too late, for it has given me a greater sense of peace I never knew I needed.
Stagnate growth periods
Sometimes as a creative and a blogger, you feel like you are not going anywhere. Why aren’t my analytics moving up? This summer has been a snooze.
Then I remember to keep things in perspective. Dealing with a death in the family, a pandemic in the world and others with possible eviction and hunger, other folks have more important things going on. And that’s not even touching on other major social and political issues.
I must remember the trend of growth and reaching a goal is not going to be a straight line to the top but more like a wave with highs and lows.
I have to remind myself to enjoy this ride and practice patience.
Trial and error
Additionally, one of the lessons I am still learning after all this time is knowing when to give up when something is not working. Sometimes things you try don’t work out. Remember my old post “Confession Time: I failed?”
Part of the journey to building a successful blog is learning what works and what doesn’t. I have created some successful ideas and at the same time, I have come up with ideas I was sure would be great but were not.
Life is a funny thing. Just when you think you have things figured out; life shows you otherwise.
All I can do is learn from the lessons and adapt. It is from my failures and challenges that I grow in character and wisdom.
8. There will always be someone better.
Perfectly imperfect
One of the things about my blog that I am most proud of after four years is that it’s not perfect. I try my best but also love that the name explains exactly where my life is…imperfect.
Bad things happen to good people every day. We as pet parents have suffered devasting loss of our fur kids. But at the end of the day, we find the strength from inside to take a breath and start taking those steps to heal.
I really think people would rather relate to imperfection than fake “perfection”. It is just not natural. We are all imperfect people living an imperfect experience. Life is truly just a beautiful mess. That’s what I can relate to. What about you?
Use your authentic voice
Every blogger has their own voice. And with that thought, remember for every voice there is a listener. How I deliver my content and message may resonate with you and for another, maybe not.
I have learned that we all have our tribe of people we vibe with. You will not gain everybody on your team and that is okay. You were not meant to. I can live with that.
Those are the 8 lessons I have learned after my four-year blogaversary. I am constantly growing and evolving. I hope you have enjoyed this ride with me.
I’m no Toni Morrison or Oprah Winfrey, however, I’d like to think that the personal experiences I’ve shared and the content I write has helped others find healing and joy to deal with life’s most challenging times, including pet loss.
I personally believe that the impact I leave in this world will be my legacy.
I am hopeful that this blog will be that small footprint in the world wide web that helps make the world a little better place to be amongst the chaos.
Thank you for your support and look forward to continuing this journey with you.
Let me know, are you a blogger too? Can you relate to any of these lessons learned? Share your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to hear your input!