Hey there! So as promised I’m making progress on those life resolutions. Some goals I’ve been able to keep right on track and others not so much. This is Impurrfectlife after all and I’m a work in progress.
Last week I was in a funk but we all have those days. I wrote about my bad day in a post called Sometimes you have a Bad Day. Now that it’s a brand new week, I’m a little more rested and optimistic.
I recently wrote a guest post called 10 Resolutions for You and Your Pet and I’ve been true to my word and taking my own advice so far. Some of these life goals have been easier for me than others but I’d figure I’d check in with you and let you know what I’ve been up to.
Goals I’ve Completed…
So far, I’ve been doing well on de-cluttering my home. With the help of my husband, I was able to get rid of five trash bags of junk. I was also able to donate a bag of items to charity. There’s nothing like a clean house and home to make you feel good.
In terms of trying something new. I made a goal to get back to reading more books. My 2017 goal is to read a dozen books. My topics of interest in reading material includes focusing on positivity, self-improvement, history and fiction. So far I’ve finished Live Your Dreams by Les Brown and currently I am reading Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud. If you are looking for a great book that speaks to the theme of positivity and getting the courage to live to make yourself happy, I would definitely recommend Les Brown’s book.
I still haven’t finished Necessary Endings however I can say that the overall theme I gather thus far is that we are not to view endings in relationships as the end all be all, but rather the end of one’s journey and the start of a new journey to something better. I can appreciate that point of view.
Next, I’m happy to report that I’m still continuing my volunteer work with the Kitty Kind organization. It’ll be two years this year since I signed up. My how time flies. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to help out the organization and being a volunteer has also helped me in the healing journey after losing my own pet.

Lastly, I’ve been making an effort to work on sprucing up my look. How have I done so? Well retail therapy of course! I’ve been able to shop smartly for new pieces on sale while giving my closet wardrobe a redo. Additionally, I’ve been able to shop online and jazz up my home with a new bed comforter set, areas rugs and lamps. Those are my accomplished goals so far this year.
Work I Need to Do…
Exercise! If you are like me than this goal is one that always gives me a challenge in the consistency department. I wrote about my lessons I learned when I joined a gym and discovered I like working out at home best with exercise DVDs. However since we are in winter season in the East Coast, I’m guilty of snuggling up on my couch with a blanket and a nice cup of hot cocoa or chai tea over doing squats.
I need to get it together and prioritize my health first. I don’t want to wait until something bad happens before making a solid fitness regime part of my daily routine. Too many people, including myself, are guilty of taking our health for granted. I don’t want to be that person. I know in the past I’ve been able to stick with a routine and what worked best for me included waking up earlier in the morning to get my exercise in first thing. That is the schedule that has proven to work best for me.

This leads me to my other goal of including more sleep and getting to bed earlier. I’ll admit, I need to create a more strict routine sleep pattern for myself. I work hard Monday through Friday and play catch up with sleep on the weekends. I may need to rethink this strategy so it’s not so taxing on the body. Just as fitness is important, rest is too. Portion control is just another important component too. Again a factor that I need to work on, especially since Valentine’s Day came and went. And I admit it, those milk chocolates I received came and went too!
Finally, the last goal I need to work on is include more adventure, create more and have fun! I have some bucket list ideas like visiting Niagara Falls, NY and Canada. I’d also would love to visit Paris, France, Venice, Italy and Honolulu, Hawaii to name a few. Those are some of the travel goals but I also strive to create and try new things.
One More Thing…
This reminds me to let you know that I now have a Facebook store and on Instagram. Do you follow me on Facebook? Now you can check out my Facebook Store. I’m just getting started and will expand in the future. Do you have Instagram? You can follow me on that social platform now too. I’m new to Instagram but love it. (Yes I’m late in the game, but I’m there now!)
In the meantime, with everything going on, I’m going to take it one day at a time and try not to overdo things and make myself feel overwhelmed too much. Perhaps I need to start by taking care of me first and finally book that massage appointment I’ve been meaning to do. With that said, I’m signing off!
What 2017 goals have you been working on this year? How’s your progress coming along? Can you relate to my struggles? Comment and share your thoughts below.