Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #70- Set your mind & face your fears


Face your fears #perseverance #courage #impurrfectlife

Monday Inspiration #70 – Set your mind and face your fears

Today’s inspirational quote really hits home for me. I can remember many times when I was at a crossroads in life and didn’t move. Why? I was paralyzed with fear. Moreover, I was nervous about breaking my routine and the unknown. I didn’t want to fail.  Can you relate?

Well, the irony in making positive changes in life and growth is that it requires doing something you’ve never done before. If you want to really change the trajectory of your life you have to break free of what you’ve been doing and create a whole new strategy. You have to be willing to face your fears.

My Testimony

I can testify to this in my own life. For example, if someone would have told me 5 years ago, “Kamira you are going to start a blog out of a painful experience and actually inspire and help others heal,” I would have thought you were mistaking me for someone else! Who knew I could do that? Not I! But it is true.

For those of you that not familiar with my story, this blog developed out of my painful experience with the death of my cat Dusty. My desire to get all of my emotions and thoughts “on paper” through blogging was so strong it outweighed my fear of failing. So what did I do? I did my research. I learned what I could about blogging and discovered a community of pet bloggers. Others were doing the very thing I was scared to do. It was possible.

Fast forward to today and it’s been over 3 years, the blog is growing and I’m helping validate grieving pet parents feelings and helping them on their healing journey by sharing my experiences.

Lesson Learned

You never know what will happen when you face your fears. Some of the greatest achievements and desires are on the other side of fear and thinking outside the box.

Let today’s inspiration help push you to the next level. You can do it!

What is holding you back from achieving your heart’s desire? Does this quote resonate with you? What do you do to conquer your fears? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you liked today’s inspirational message, be sure to read my other popular blog posts where I learned to face new challenges and the unknown.

Lessons learned the day I left my job and met one special fan

Confession time: I failed

5 Inspirational books that gave me the courage to live my best life