15 Unique ways to honor and remember your pet
Losing a pet is devasting as we know. And once the tears have dried and you have realized it is time to create a new daily routine, you still must start the journey of healing. While learning to find healing, you also must remember and honor your pet. Pets are family and they deserve to be remembered in the most loving way. It is very common for people to either bury their deceased pet or have a cremation and keep the ashes. However, I wanted to explore beyond the typical and find more unique ways to remember your pet. So, here are 15 unique ideas for memorializing your pet you may have never considered.
If you are a fan of permanent body art, then a tattoo of your pet’s name, face, or birthdate is a wonderful way to commemorate them. Even though they are not physically with you anymore, their memory will be with you wherever you go expressed in a unique custom artistic design made for you in memory of your furry companion.
Plant a tree /create a Garden
Gardens represent life and continued growth. Planting a tree or flowers in your pets’ honor with a garden stone with their name etched into it is a great way to honor them. Some people may even choose to use their pet’s old food or water dish as a planter. In this regard, you will always be reminded of your pet whenever you see your garden.
Virtual memorial service
A memorial service is an opportunity to bring together the people who meant the most to you and your pet. Due to COVID-19, you can make this memorial a safe one by doing an online call together. Loved ones and friends can talk about what made your pet so special. Ask people to share at least one memory of your pet, and then also take a moment to talk about how much your pet meant to you. You can share your most favorite memories with them or express just how your pet impacted your life the most. Taking a designated time to come together and honor your pet can bring a lot of comfort during this time of grieving.
Create a photobook/collage
An additional unique way to remember your pet is by creating a photo book or collage of memories through pictures. This may be a bit old fashioned, but I love looking through picture albums of memories. I often use Shutterfly.com to create picture albums. There is also a plethora of other digital photo sites you can use to create a memorial album to honor your pet. It is a great way to put the focus on the positive and happy memories while your pet was happy and thriving. Reflecting on positive memories shared together will also help in healing your heart once again.
Create a custom painting
There are plenty of artists who specialize in creating gorgeous works of art from a pet’s photo. There are hundreds of options available online. From Etsy to Instagram, social media and the creative marketplace is a great place to get an idea of what styles are available. Generally, you will be asked to submit one or two photos of your pet, and from there, the artist will make you a custom piece. Choose from oil paintings, prints, sketches, and more. The options are endless. It is a creative way to illustrate the beauty your pet brought to your life.
Pet Memorial jewelry
Purchasing a customized piece of jewelry is yet another unique way to memorialize your pet. I wrote a post about my own experience with MeowLoverClub.com. You can read my full review here. The options for pet jewelry have grown over the years. From earrings and bracelets to necklaces and rings, memorial pet jewelry options have expanded. The great thing about choosing to memorialize your pet this way is that you can use your own style and creativity to customize a piece that suits you best. Not only will you give your style a boost but honor your furry companion in the process.
Pet plushies
An additional idea I stumbled upon in my own journey to healing included memorializing my cat Dusty by getting a soft plushie pillow made in her image. PuppyYou.com had reached out to me about providing a pillow with her image in exchange for my honest opinion. I was pleasantly surprised by the design, print quality, and durability. I would recommend it as a clever option to remember your pet. Check out my reaction in the clip below to see for yourself. There are a variety of companies that now provide this option for pet parents.
3-D Shadowbox
This next idea is a great creative DIY idea. Make a showdown box. If you are not familiar a shadow box is a glass-front display case with contains small objects collected to showcase or represent an important personal moment. In this case, your showdown box would be a visual representation of your pet’s life through favorite sentimental objects. For example, you could include their collar, a favorite chew toy, and several favorite picture memories. You can make it your own.
Photo blanket
I do not know about you but one of the things I miss about having a pet is snuggle time. I remember many a time my cat Precious and Dusty would snuggle up next to me by nightfall. Precious would of course claim her spot by the top of my head and Dusty at my ankles. They always had some friction but always know how to work together for mom’s benefit. With this in mind, another great idea to memorialize your pet is getting a custom pet photo blanket made from your pet’s image. It is a great keepsake to have made and you will keep it forever. Sure, it will never replace the real purrs or tail wags of your pet, but it is a nice way to visualize and remember them always.
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Remembrance Candle
For anyone that is a fan of candles, you can also investigate buying a special pet memorial candle. After my Dusty passed away I discovered Pet Perennials Healing hearts candles. The candle package arrived with a lovely personal card and note explaining how it works. As the candle melts a precious stone is revealed at the base. Each stone decodes a loving message from your pet. I thought it was such a lovely unique idea I had to share. You can pick up one of your own through Pet Perennials.com or on Amazon.com.
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A more contemporary option for spreading cremated ashes is to have a celebratory fireworks display. These special firework displays incorporate cremated remains. A nighttime display of fireworks scattering might be the perfect memorial and the way to say goodbye to your loved one. Some areas, such as national parks in the United States, require a scattering permit and probably will prohibit fireworks. Permission should be sought if scattering ashes by fireworks over areas where people gather, such as large event spaces like stadiums. Restrictions on firework displays will apply. You can learn more about cremation fireworks here. It is a very out of the box idea and one worth researching.
Glass art infused with ashes from your beloved pet is new to me. I never heard of this before however in doing some research I discovered yet another way to honor your pet through art. Creating glass art pieces is a colorful and unique way to help bereaved pet parents cope with the loss of their pets. From paperweights to jewelry and urns there is a vast selection of options to choose from. You can view a sample of glass art here.
Donation to your favorite local shelter
Your pet brought so much to your life, consider donating to a local shelter in their memory. You may want to donate to a shelter you adopted them from, or to a local nonprofit whose cause you believe in. Share your gift with a cause that resonates with you, such as an animal cancer foundation if your pet passed away from cancer. Taking the money, you would have spent on your pet and putting it toward other animals will help turn your pain into purpose for another life.
Volunteer /Foster /Adopt
If you have been following my journey from the beginning, you know that one of the ways I found healing and was able to honor the memory of my cat was by helping others. I found a local nonprofit that provides low-cost animal care services to volunteer for. It was in my work helping others I found joy and was reminded of how at one point I saved my own cat off the street and provided a loving home for her for almost 14 years. I wanted to continue that legacy of helping animals through volunteering and fostering. Although I was not ready to adopt yet, I knew I could make a difference in my life and that of others by using my abilities to help those in need.
The same could work for you to help heal your heart. Plus, you never know, volunteering can turn into fostering, and then that could turn into the adoption of another furry family member. Adopting never replaces your furry best friend but rather continues the love you shared with them with another pet in need of love. Returning to adoption completes the circle of life and love. Love never dies but only changes form, for it is eternal and lives on forever, just as your love for your pet does.

Start a blog!
Finally, you could remember and honor your pet through your words and share them with other pet parents by blogging. That just so happened to be what I did. I never intended to start this blog for the sole purpose of remembering my cat Dusty but rather I had to release my emotions and feelings with the world to help provide validation to others. That heartache IS real and life-shattering. I had to let others know, they were not alone in their feelings.
It was only in sharing my journey I could recount many precious memories and experiences through personal stories and pictures of my life journey with Dusty and Precious. Unbeknownst to me, repeatedly sharing and telling my story proved to be cathartic and healing. It allowed me to remember the positive and silly moments and cherish the memories I will hold dear.
It is through my blogging journey I have been able to see just how in death Dusty continues to influence my life for the better and make me a better human being. She was my heart cat and touched my heart and I know through blogging about our bond, she is touching other hearts too. And that makes me happy.
So those are 15 unique ways to honor and remember your pet. Although not typical or conventional, each of these options should be something personal and customized just for you. Your pet was extra special and unique, and in death, the way you honor and memorialize your pet should be unique and special too. I hope I have given you some clever options to consider when the time comes.
If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out my other posts below for more ideas.
15 Gift ideas for pet parents and animal lovers
10 Memorial Gift ideas for Bereaved pet parents
Until We Meet Again by Melissa Lyons: A Book Review
Your Pet, Your Pill by Dr. Margit Gabriele Muller: A Review
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These are all wonderful ideas and I did a number of them. When Cody and Dakota passed I made SIX collages…(I know, it’s probably photo overload but they bring me comfort). I also had a Cuddle Clone made of each of them. (Yes, I paid for them they weren’t free)….Dakota’s ashes are in his, but Cody’s are not. Years ago I also received a necklace with Cody’s image on it from Meow Lover’s Club (he was very much alive then), they also sent me one of my Angel Bobo. A dear friend had a mug made for me that depicts Cody and Dakota as angels and another dear friend, sent me a custom made votive candle holder that has their image on it. (It lights up their image when a candle is illuminated). Maybe, if I can handle it, on their various anniversaries this year, I will share them.
Thanks! I’m glad you liked these ideas and what do you mean overboard? No no no…nothing is too much when it comes to our fur kids! Honestly, the more memories I found with Dusty and Precious the happier my heartfelt to remember the good times. That’s very sweet your friends gave you such thoughtful personalized gifts. And the cuddle clones are great. I remember hearing about them after the fact. Honestly, if PuppyYou never reached out to me I would not have known about that option. I’m glad to learn about so many thoughtful options to honor our pets, I had to share. Hugs to you. I appreciate you sharing your personal experience. Cody and Dakota will live on in our hearts forever!!
Ruth Epstein
Great ideas thank you, when Baby passed we buried her ashes under her favorite tree in the dog park which I try to visit on her adoption date each year plus I have a little wooden box with some of her memories (collar, tags, etc) in my Hutch.
Thanks for sharing your own personal story. I did the same thing keeping my pet’s collar too. It’s the little things that remind us of our sweet fur kids. RIP Sweet Baby.
Rebecca Sanchez
Truly wonderful ways to remember our pets! I covered a story for a dog magazine once and it was about a company that was selling naming rights to small stars that you could name after your pet – and also shoot their ashes into space. Everyone has their way of honoring and celebrating the life of their fuzzy loved one. I personally like the tattoo idea! While I love creative tattoos, I’ve never figured out a drawing to honor my Mattie. It would be awesome if someone specialized in this type of tattoo art! Great article – will share!
Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Wow I didn’t know about the little stars idea either. Very clever! Thanks for sharing.
Jana Rade
So many wonderful ideas. After Jasmine’s passing, we adopted Cookie as her legacy. As well as all my dog writing and blogging is in her memory too.
I love that. So many pet parents feel awkward about adopting after, but like you said it’s a great way to honor their legacy.
These are all beautiful tributes. I had the tattoo and had painted a portrait of her before losing Reese. I did purchase a pretty little urn for her and made a candle holder. Every time I light the candle, it’s as if she is in the room with us. I placed one of her favourite toys, wearing her collar, on the shelf with these other items. Wonderful post, thank you.
That’s a beautiful way to give tribute to Reese. Thanks for sharing your experience!
These are wonderful ideas to pay tribute to a loved pet. One of my friends has artwork that reminds her of each of her beloved pets. It is really fun to see the art she has collected in their memories. (One is very playful, another piece is quite moody, just like her cats.)
Thank you!
Britt K
You have some great suggestions here. While I don’t like thinking about the fact that I will have to face ‘that day’ at some point, I do know that I will be getting a memorial tattoo for the Dav girl. I want to have her paw print tattooed on my foot so that she’s walking with me anywhere I go. It’s something I saw back when she was still just a young pup and I’ve held onto that idea ever since…
I like that idea! Very clever!
Marjorie at Dash Kitten
There are some lovely ideas here. I may get one done of Dash Kitten of the engraved cats. They look lovely.
We have portraits done in different styles for each of our cats that have passed away. They recently were put up on a wall as a montage, all together. We have some more to frame before they go up too. It’s good to have them here in the room with us. A was lucky and won a professional artists time to create a portrait of Dash Kitten, and friends had one created one in pastels.
Thank you! Aww that was very sweet you were able to get a complimentary portrait of Dash Kitten and friends. Thanks for sharing your experience.