Inspirational Quotes,  Life

Monday Inspiration #40 – Strength does not come from winning.

Strength does not come from winning.

Strength does not come from winning but rather finding the courage to get back up after being knocked down. Boy oh boy I can relate to this inspirational quote! I must say I have a blessed life and cannot complain because at the end of the day there is always someone else in the world who has it worse. There are still goals I want to attain and have not reached yet and that’s okay. 

Life has thrown many curve balls my way from unexpected death and sickness to betrayal and everything in between, yet I’m still here. It’s not how many times you get knocked down that count but rather making sure you always find the courage to get back up. As long as there is breath in your lungs, you have the power within to make it through another day. Remember, we often underestimate how strong we really are in our most difficult times. 

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Remember we are never are given more than we can handle in a day.

I’m sure some days you may wonder ” Really? This is too much for me to bear!?”. Everything happens for a reason. Although we may not understand it in the moment, it’s part of our journey. I know for myself, the pain of losing Dusty was the worst pain of my life to date. However fast forward to present day, I made a conscious choice to never forget her memory and use my experience to share with other [grieving] pet parents in hopes that they would know they are not alone in their struggle to find joy once again.

I chose to turn my pain into purpose. What about you? Does this quote resonate with you too? Where does your greatest strength lie? Share your thoughts and comment below.

If you liked this post, check out my other blog post 20 Quotes to help you remember to keep hope alive!

monday inspiration #monday #inspiration #strength #impurrfectlife